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  1. mrnice

    RIP Freddy007

    Rip, always sad to lose one of the LZ collective.
  2. mrnice

    Tax exempt disco?

    Cheers fellas, yep I googled it after posting, was just looking at finding a cheaper way to keep my disco, I will just have to settle for taxing it yearly on a monthly DD and just cancel the months I'm not using it.
  3. mrnice

    Tax exempt disco?

    Anyone got one? If I wanted to make my 1996 Disco tax exempt could I find me a 1973 RRC chassis and swop it with mine? Just an interesting thought that came to me in the middle of the night.
  4. mrnice


    Right I've just finished, I tried taking the bottom radiator hose off but it was resisting a bit so instead took the one off from underneath the filler reservoir that's connected to it and managed to drain out enough to top up with nearly 6l of antifreeze (it was pure water before - just had a...
  5. mrnice


    Tbh it does come across as a bit of a blag, I don't doubt a lot of the science stuff they mention is true but it's been taken completely out of context. The only time I think this stuff would be beneficial is in high performance modern engines. A bit like people telling you to add salt to your...
  6. mrnice

    Galvanised chassis for Discovery 1

    Like with most vehicles, if there are enough people who love em/need em and they are cheap and easy to fix they should go on forever, (learning to weld has certainly extended the life of my one):D.
  7. mrnice


    You can in an emergency but then have to change it all as soon as you get home: EVANS TWIN PACK WATERLESS POWER COOLANT & PREP FLUID, 5 LITRE BUNDLE KIT *OFFER* | eBay Theres a lot on it on here but I still cant help feel some of its the old sales shpiel...
  8. mrnice


    good tips, I will use the water from the dehumidifier as the defrosted freezer water may contain the odd pea!
  9. mrnice


    Done: 20 LTR PLATINUM New CONCENTRATED RED LONGLIFE (5yr) ANTIFREEZE - 20 LITRE 20L | eBay I've got enough to do the golf as well. de ionised water: apparently tap water can contain minerals that can cause deposits that build up on the hottest parts of the cooling system so for what its...
  10. mrnice


    Blue? Red? Does it matter? whats the best for my aluminium blocked V8? Any help greatly received. Cheers :)
  11. mrnice

    which A&R unit?

    My RPI A&R unit is playing up, apparently it always has. I have a friend who installs LPG systems and he came round to play with my landy one afternoon, he noticed the timing was slightly out on lpg and so adjusted it accordingly, my God what a difference. She now pulled like a train and i...
  12. mrnice

    where do i find my engine number? (V8)

    Cheers buddy, ive just had a new engine fitted and so wanted to know the new engine number. (sorry for the late reply but you know how life seems to get in the way).
  13. mrnice

    where do i find my engine number? (V8)

    As above really, where do I find my engine number on my V8 disco? Cheers.
  14. mrnice

    dead starter?

    Sorry for the late reply there's been a lot going on for me recently (another story for another day) but basically something in the engine had seized! She bumped, something went crunch and now theres a terrible noise coming from about where cylinder number 8 is and the oil light is permenantly...
  15. mrnice

    fully off rd preped classic

    Hi, have you still got either of your range rovers for sale? my V8 disco I have owned for 7 years had something seized in the engine today so I may need a new landy to drive round in whilst the engine is being replaced/rebuilt.
  16. mrnice

    immaculate rr classic

    Have you still got this rangy mate? If so I'm very interested, would much rather buy off someone on here instead of eBay
  17. mrnice

    dead starter?

    Well things have taken a little turn for the worst, I went to bump her today and the first two times she refused and then the third time whilst going a bit quicker down the hill she bumped and started but when I turned her off and went to restart her she now will just turn over but not start...
  18. mrnice

    dead starter?

    I went to start the landy today and instead of turning over she just went "clunk". I tried this a few times and every time the same thing happens, I tried rocking her in gear but still the same. Then I noticed a small amount of smoke coming from the starter, I got a mate to turn they key for...
  19. mrnice

    Green lanes around Barmouth, North Wales

    Gutted would like to but I've got friends ive not seen for ages down over the weekend. Cheers though.
  20. mrnice

    New windows

    Post in the wanted section somebody on here will prob be able to help you out, that or type discovery breaking/rear screen into ebay, try to get one that's already been tinted, mine got bust by the Mrs when she didn't put something far enough into the boot and slammed it, I got one from bump on...