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  1. adies_v8

    Seems like i have lost my drainplug

    Hi all So i was under the landy last night having abit of look around whilst waiting for some sealant to dry and seems i have lost the drain plug that you should put in when in muddy conditions and wading. I think it must have been lost at muddy bottom last time i was there, been nowhere...
  2. adies_v8

    LED rear lights

    Get the units not just the bulbs, i replaced all of myn with clear lenses. Front were ok, indicators have a weaker 'angle' then the standard. Rear brake lights are fine if your directly behind or in the dark there ok but i have actually changed them now after following my landy and seeing it...
  3. adies_v8

    v8 plugs

    Ahar... but can you say that they are worth the extar or make any improvment either then? *i dont use lpg*
  4. adies_v8

    v8 plugs

    Champion's supplied by Keith Gott, engine was designed for them. had them in 3kMiles now, no issues atall.
  5. adies_v8

    Security nightmare on new keyless LR sports

    "We have 3 under 5s and my wife " laughing at that bit already, dont know what i expected after clicking on a link saying LR sports - get a Vogue and stop people thinking 'here comes a tw@t" though with dads Vogue, twice the price and still get a discovery fob. Does it on my renault too...
  6. adies_v8

    v8 cut out

    Shouldnt mess with perfection lol.
  7. adies_v8

    ANOTHER defender tyre querie

    BFG A/T's 265 75R16 on myn, use all the extended arches up comapired to the originals, looks sweet. I do sand, snow, mud and road, no problems yet.
  8. adies_v8

    X Brake

    Hi all X Eng X-Brake... Searched, found abit, looking for more.. Who has one, after a while are they still worth it? I am looking at getting shot of my standard setup as whenever i go to a p&p it just stops working half way through the day. I have had it apart loads of times now and its...
  9. adies_v8

    light upgrades

    If you still have the original sealed headlights put a new ground on. My wiring is decent but still had a better output when slicing the ground wire to the light and adding a connection from the top of the engine. Now normal light with the engine off but turn the engine on, bright beam, bout...
  10. adies_v8

    Work Light Wiring

    You can get 1 relay to control 2 devices (at the same time) 1 replay, 2 sets of spots. or 1 relay to control 2 inputs to one device. 1 spot, or work light, illimuniate via switch or reverse selection. Anything can run anything aslong as it has the correct ampage really. dont worry about the...
  11. adies_v8

    What tow rope?

    I havent tried procomp to be honest so just going by rule of thumb, then the thumb changes lol , always though they cost allot more, bugger only just got a new rope. One thing i have learnt, dont bother with kinetic ropes, no bugger will let you use them anywhere.
  12. adies_v8

    Noisy Fuel Pump?!

    not knowing the diffrence yet, it will either be under your bonnet attached to the bulkhead or underneath the drivers area, if your fuel tanks under the drivers seat, croutch down, fuel tank on your left, filter is about 20cm's way to the front of the car on the right.
  13. adies_v8

    Work Light Wiring

    1. you dont know what has been 'piggybacked' further up the line 2.price of wires just run new lengths relay and fuse it, if you get a 'dual input' replay or whatever the propper wording is you can have your switch and on the reverse light.
  14. adies_v8


    4G and no engine or gBox!? i gotta say its not that bad loooking from a judge dred point of view. The double wheel arches arnt right. if its done in metal could be not that bad, though i can just imagine tapping it and hearing the sound of mdf!
  15. adies_v8

    What tow rope?

    a mate tried to do a big pull on me with a strop, pulled his forged jate ring ouf of his chassis. Strops for lashings and trees, ropes for tugging.
  16. adies_v8

    Andy Carroll's Range Rover

    could be the same, dustmen have more skill and better taste then to chrome up a range, i am suprised its a propper range as most of these lil pube hairs go for the sport, dunlow!
  17. adies_v8

    Andy Carroll's Range Rover

    yaw dowg checkout dem whhikked rims, dat air susp3n10n is on da ground yer man innit! ..basically.
  18. adies_v8

    Quick Question!

    I've got me some BFG At's on 16" black modular, winch bumper and tree sliders in black. Aslo got eh rear seats fitted with belts now and just put in tablet pc setup for satnav and cameras. Yer, still up for it, gotta give him a ring i think and see if its open again at the moment. off...
  19. adies_v8

    Quick Question!

    Dud du daaar! i'm always here, just everyones so usefull i hardly need to post a q!? Cheers, and bugger. I wouldnt mind if my landy was bugged, dont mind working on it, but a crummy 1.4 bloated arse, might just leave it. doesnt have a turbo so must be rings then. cheers again
  20. adies_v8

    Quick Question!

    Sorry to hijack, anyone give me a couple of lines on why a standard 1.4 non turbo 4pot 04 megane engine would have oil in the airfilter. myns running lumpy on idle, took it apart, bout 'normal' mug of tea's worth of oil in plastic cousing. Cheers. Good luck with you issue.