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    head gasket or not head gasket

    Sounds like condensation. Give it a blast.
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    Truck Cab Storage Alarm?

    How about fitting a shed alarm? You get magnetic switch ones as well as PIR ones: Garage/Shed Alarm | Maplin Compact PIR Alarm | Maplin
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    While I had good access to the exhaust valves I figuered I should set the tappet clearances, with the wing on they're a pig to get to, it's no wonder people often didn't bother gapping them and burning out the exhaust valves. Heater motor back in place: Freshly painted wing back...
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    hazard warning lights

    My 1979 series doesn't have hazards (or a fog light or a reversing light), doesn't need it.
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    1000 miles through New Zealand in four a 60 year old Series 1

    That looks awesome, glad to hear you got it back in one piece!
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Got the heater matrix bolted in last week, as I have replaced the front face of the bulkhead I used 6 mm rivnuts to secure the top edge which because of the protruding flange on them sets the heater forwards by about 2mm, I've smeared a load of sealant around the mating surfaces to try not to...
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    I'm not sure I'm ready to do a full engine rebuild but the price of 6 pot pistons in this country scared me so I preemptively bought a set a 6 with piston rings from South Africa this week for much less. Here's one of them.
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    Series 3 play ground

    Awesome :-)
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    finally bought a series 3

    I've just replaced both of the door pillars on mine, have a look at the bottom of page 6 and then page 7 of this for pictures of what to expect.
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    Learning curve ahoy!

    I found exactly that on my 1979 109 too.
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Only a little progress today as I was working on a mate's swb series 3, his bulkhead feet are knackered and MOT expires this month. I went over the front half of the chassis with my 'hammer of justice' and the front is nice and solid. Unbolted the front near side leaf spring and shock, once I've...
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    Stability on ice

    Series vehicles normally run in 2wd on the road as it has a transfer box, not a central differential, meaning that in 4wd the front and rear prop shafts are forced to rotate at the same speed so the road wheels must be able to slip to account for the different speeds that the front and rear...
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Close enough that it could have been done in Solihull! :lol:
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Spent the weekend in and out of the workshop but didn't really get much done, had to shift my mate's new galv chassis (I'm only a little bit jealous!) out of the workshop where it's been stored for the last few weeks and then shift his brother in laws offroader out of his garage to make room for...
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    Not a lemon this time ;-)

    Tidy looking vehicle. You've got to paint that spare wheel limestone to match the road wheels though!
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    My ebay buy

    That interior roof is a bit different!
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Cheers guys, yes it's the first time I've done this, only ever welded patches on for MOTs in the past. No engineering background as such, my background is in science so I'm reasonably methodical when doing things.
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Right, have fired up the laptop to update this. Have spend the last couple of afternoons in the workshop this week and have been making progress, first the side of the driver's footwell was replaced using a bit of a footwell I bought, the rest of the drivers footwell was solid albeit with a not...
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Have done a couple of afternoons at the workshop this week as I'm not back to work till Monday, will upload some pictures of progress when I get home tonight.
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    NS inner wing gap

    Probably not helpful but mine has a hole there because my exhaust exits there (straight 6).