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  1. A

    Straight 6 rebuild

    Cheers mate, I'm happy with it. It's certainly not perfect but for the first time I've done this I'm chuffed with what I've done so far. Got a long way to go yet though!
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Not had much of a chance to get to the workshop recently for one reason or another so not much to report on, last night I started on the driver's side door pillar and foot well. I'm planning on just replacing the side of the foot well as the rest of it is sound and the top of the door pillar is...
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Ta very much, slowly making progress.
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Another day and more rot cut out and new metal let in. Next up was to get some access behind the brake pedal box, fortunatley I didn't have to disconnect the brake hoses which made life easier. I also unbolted the steering column support bracket to check to see if there was...
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    Any difference between front brake and rear brake shoes series 3?

    The straight 6 and V8 have different size shoes front and rear.
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Got 90 minutes or so at the workshop last night around running some errands, started to have a look at the driver's side and the first job was to cut off the bonnet hinge, cut out the small bit of rot on the vent seal channel and knock up a replacement. Please excuse the the bit of...
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Cheers mate, the repair section is one I knocked up using some 1mm steel, a couple of hammers and a 4 inch vice, would have been quicker and easier with a bender but I don't have one.
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Today I cut more rot out, got rid of what remained of the vent seal channel, knocked up a replacement section and welded it in place. Vent hinge welded back in place to check it all still fits.
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    How to remove door lock barrels on a series 3

    Mine were held in with notched locking rings on the inside, just loosen them off with a small cold chisel and a persuading stick.
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    Mikes 101 build thread

    Nobody really likes fosters do they, it's what you drink when there's nothing else available! PS - good looking vehicle, what's it like getting 101 parts out in the US?
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Got a few more hours work done last night, was carrying on with the repairs around the bulkhead vent, started by cutting out a bit more rot: And welding in a new bit: The inner skin here was knackered too, I decided the easiest way to sort this was to cut the bottom off of the...
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Blackburn - thank you, I have seen that repair panel before, there's a company that do the upper section too, both inner and outer. As I only need a few inches of that section repaired I figured I'd give it a go myself first before throwing 35 quid at that, at the end of the day it's only a bit...
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    Top part of the bulkhead in need of repair

    Do you have any more pictures of it (you know we all like pictures!)? What's the reason for the 2/2a door hinges on it if it's a series 3?
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Oh, one other thing, I got talking to the neighbour tonight and they had some scrote break in last night but got spooked by the alarm and got out of there quick without taking anything. Fortunately I think our unit is more secure and we have bars on the windows, lots of locks and an alarm...
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Got a couple more hours work done tonight, first job was removing the driver's side vent flap and seal and seeing what horrors lay beneath...I was pleasantly suprised for once, there's a small bit of rot behind the bonnet hinge but that nothing that's not easily fixed! The main job I...
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    Top part of the bulkhead in need of repair

    The door pillars and feet are from LR Parts, they're ok by the looks of things, they don't fit perfectly but I don't know how many repair panels do! Best of luck with whatever you chose to do, hope you've got a few shiny pennies saved up for it! Whatever the cost I'm sure be able to justify it...
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    Top part of the bulkhead in need of repair

    Have a look at my thread to give you an idea of how involved it is. If you're considering getting a garage to do the welding for you it will be very uneconomical, almost certainly cheaper to buy a new refurbed galvanised bulkhead and pay a garage to swop them for you (or do it yourself!) rather...
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    Giving an old S3 army girl a new lease of life

    Looking good, the tin worm is always worse than you think! Be careful using a scaff bar on your ratchets, do you not have a breaker bar?
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Cheers guys, plenty more work to do on it!
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    Straight 6 rebuild

    Progress has been slow this week, been manic at work so didn't manage to get to the workshop until today, got a bit more done now though. Got the front panel fully welded on, the tunnel welded to the front panel and trimmed back to flush and then the bonnet hinge welded back on. The scribbling...