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  1. N

    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    Fery, I have tried following your instructions with the exception of being unable to clear the code by using the backspace. In truth I have lost count of the number if times I have entered the codes. But the Nanocom continues to reveal the original codes. Clearly the only thing I cannot do is to...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    Fery, I acknowledge your advice re not altering the engine map. I am most concerned that I may have altered something. I have tried numerous ways of removing the incorrect codes but as the cursor always appears to the left of the incorrect code pressing the 'backspace' has no effect whatsoever...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    OK there is now a change; I have no throttle at all! The curser still resolutely adhered to the left of the codes, i.e. no backspace function, so I tried all sorts of actions. Having tried each available button which just wipes the codes again presenting a blank list in the injector page. So...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    PopPops, Thanks for looking at my latest cry for help. Ferry, The backspace was the first, second and third thing I tried. I even wrote the code and tried "write settings" but it just showed ten code letters - I only tried the first injector so perhaps I need to insert all five before saving...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    Once again I feel the need to call on you chaps experience. I have replaced the incorrect injector, (bit of an issue with the supplier), and the seals and copper washer on the other four. Purged the fuel so I thought I should check the injector codes. All five injector codes do not line up with...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    I agree with you completely. If you are curious try:- You will see the green injector on a page that is for Defender or early Discovery 2 engine; down the page, off screen, is...
  7. N

    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    Fery, Thanks for your confirmation re correct injector. Sill not sure if it was my Dyslexia kicking in or not but I have now ordered the correct part, MSC000030. Their web page is confusing as the picture has a GREEN top; surely this should have been a BLACK top for MAC000040? Us Dyslexic's go...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    Replacement injector has just arrived, (in a Delphi box), but before I open it, and breach the right to return it, could you experienced chaps confirm that this BLUE toped injector is in fact just what I thought I was ordering as I was expecting a GREEN toped injector. NB Box identified as...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    MjI, I have quite a collection of Allen keys so I may experiment with the incorrect injector. If I can get this to work then this will expedite the work. Many thanks for the suggestion.
  10. N

    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    Fery, I was going to replace the bolts anyway but now because some Gorilla tighten them up, I very nearly had to resort to grinding two of them off, they all be be replaced! Six new ones are on order as well as five injector bolts for the same reason; they were only rounded a bit, but still...
  11. N

    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    It's concurrent with the story of this vehicle, nothing straightforward, nothing simple...
  12. N

    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    I spent the first half my working life fixing up broken vehicles and did expect some problems but overnight bolts and just plain incompetence I was not expecting. Still I should have a good engine, and a depleted bank account soon! Re slide hammer if I get outbid a trip to places South might be...
  13. N

    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    I am now in a hiatus now as I have order new bolts and soon will order a new, refurbished, injector; not to mention a e-bay bid in for a slide hammer. So it looks like a week driving my Series III. Once back together I will confirm that all codes line up. With luck this errant injector may be...
  14. N

    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    PopPops, Just reread your message - something people with Dyslexia, like me, need to do - and realised that you did indicate that to replace one injector is all right in principal but would five refurbished ones be better?
  15. N

    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    PopPops, Thanks for your support. I did not find any bolts lose; quite the opposite; I was close to grinding the heads off... Big question, and I would appreciate your opinion as well as Fery; should I replace the one black one or all five? Got the resources but don't want to purchase...
  16. N

    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    Started to replace the injector seals. Whoever worked on this engine did not have a torque wrench but possibly a big power bar! I have found four injectors with green top's and one with black top! Would I be correct in thinking that this is not a good thing? Should I just replace the one...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    You did suggest that I try two throttle pump before starting, so I tried it and the problem is still there. I have not consciously tried to dismiss anything you say and if you feel affronted then I apologise. I have commented that you and PopPops have both sent the same link regarding the...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    Just tried a, cold engine, start with two throttle depressions and it started but there is still a 21 second delay before throttle authority. Either these two depressions worked or it was quite warm in my unheated garage. A third possibility is that the ECU is learning and accepting the...
  19. N

    Vehicle will crank but not fire! Thread 2

    Following on from my original thread, which I presume has filled my quota, We have now moved on to the delay after starting. Both Fray and PopPops have directed me to the same article as to how to change the injector seals; and I thank them for their interest in what has been described as an...
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    Disco 2 Auto Disco II cranks but will not start 3 Amigo's + M&S flashing!

    I have looked at the workshop manual and it is very poor in that there is just a description with little or no information regarding repair and replacement of the injectors. Apart from requiring several special tools little is written about the injectors at all, not even any torque settings! I...