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  1. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    Exactly. So you could improve on that by drafting behind a lorry on the motorway hehe
  2. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    Well it's just the figure for a run at an invariable 56mph isn't it, like all those figures are.
  3. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    The book figure for extra urban mpg on the 300tdi auto is 41.5mpg
  4. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    To be fair, the auto torque convertor locks up at 52, so why shouldn't it do the same as the manual at around about peak torque on a long run ? :)
  5. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    In all seriousness though, if I couldn't weld and do my own mechanics then there's no way I would own a disco of the age I do. I would never recommend one to anyone who couldn't do the same either. The fact that I can keep it on the road cheaply with cheap parts etc makes it a great vehicle...
  6. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    Just £2000 of welding each year then? :P
  7. tombardier

    Headlight condensation

    Lol. I've got three inches of water in my indicators! Does that count as condensation? :)
  8. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    Or the ones with magnets!
  9. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    Have you got one of those inserts in your air intakes that swirls the air in to a vortex? Guaranteed 10mpg extra!
  10. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    No, people say that, but you don't want to be wasting the juice in it either :) I must admit that I don't mind burning propane in my outback because it's a sporty drive, but the disco really isn't. I prefer to drive it like a luxury tractor :)
  11. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    That's pretty impressive for an auto! I've got the fan removed, de-cat and de-egr'd too, but I still haven't managed to calculate mpg yet! At 110 quid to brim it I just put a bit in here and there :) it's not a daily runner anyway. I've got a Subaru outback as well and I catch the bus to...
  12. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    They quote over 40mpg on a 56mph run in the 200tdi manual owners manual. Auto might be another matter but a lot of these figures are from manual boxes :)
  13. tombardier

    locking the rear diff

    I am referring to the op :)
  14. tombardier

    switching off srs

    Are you planning to keep it road legal?
  15. tombardier

    locking the rear diff

    Pikey or Ricer?
  16. tombardier

    Disco 1 300TDI MPG

    I'm not sure about mpg figures but on my edc auto I try to keep the rpm around 2200 when accelerating so it tends to take an age to get up to speed but it's at peak torque whilst doing it :) my fuel needle doesn't seem to plummet like it did before I started doing that!
  17. tombardier

    1991 Vogue SE 3.9 Auto SORN

    If you put mot and tax on it then the price might be reasonable, honestly I'm not joking!
  18. tombardier

    HD Rear Cross Member from Pressbrake

    His fabrications? Is he some sort of compulsive liar? :)
  19. tombardier

    OMG.....matrix replacement.....

    I know when I did it on a laguna I could do it with dash in place and it wasn't bad but the aircon models require a full dashboard out job, so it could be different depending on the model of disco. Just a thought!
  20. tombardier

    Disco/Range rover hybrid.

    I don't think there's much to it to be honest. The backend would be more difficult!