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  1. Wizard2003

    Size of spanner needed, fan belt tensioner bolt, 2004 freelander td4

    My belt came off and shredded because the crankshaft pulley is knackered! Waiting on the parts now to fix. As someone mentioned above check all the pulleys/tensioners to make sure they are all ok before fitting. Don't want to do it again!
  2. Wizard2003

    Freelander 1 '02 Td4 MAF Fault Code P0110

    You've probably already tried this but what are the contacts like on the connector? Maybe just need a good clean.
  3. Wizard2003

    Solid orange engine light

    K-series refers to the 1.8 petrol engine. 👍 Think it was a Rover designation
  4. Wizard2003

    Update, Need Urgent help!

    Thanks very much for this Artic, much appreciated. I've just ordered the smaller tool but I have a few extension poles that I could use, so should be ok. Going to local motor factors today to get the parts, they usually do the better quality stuff.
  5. Wizard2003

    Update, Need Urgent help!

    Thanks pwood, the one I had in the basket was £30 so this one's a bit cheaper 👍
  6. Wizard2003

    Update, Need Urgent help!

    Thanks Andy, yes it's a TD4 but with an auto box. Any way to do it without the locking tool or is that a must?
  7. Wizard2003

    Update, Need Urgent help!

    Yeah, so..... As title says alternator belt snapped on the way home tonight 😔 probably because the crankshaft pulley is worn, I've been meaning to replace it. So next job is replacing the pulley and belts. I've done this before on a car a few(lots) of years back but memory is a bit foggy...
  8. Wizard2003

    Injectors! Update

    Your advice is noted 😀 but given I got some quite well into £300+ and I'm intending to keep and restore/work on this car for as long as I possibly can. I think it's worth learning new skills. If I mess up the threads it'll cost just as much to fix so.....
  9. Wizard2003

    Injectors! Update

    Thanks to your very detailed instructions I got the "new" injectors taken apart and cleaned and installed very easily. Although, I changed the glow plugs as well and the last one broke! The "nut" is just spinning and glow plug itself not moving 🤦 Gonna need to drill it out, just waiting for...
  10. Wizard2003

    Freelander 1 Can you ID it please

    This is a good video to follow. Came across this a while ago which made me realise that's what my noise was!
  11. Wizard2003

    Brake light above sparewheel

    Just checked mine, can confirm T20! Good guess Nodge!
  12. Wizard2003

    Freelander 1 Can you ID it please

    Sounds like mine at the minute and that's what I thought it was. Crankshaft pulley. Been like that for about a month, really need to get it sorted but it's on the the ever growing list or things to do on the Freelander 😁
  13. Wizard2003

    Injectors! Update

    Wow! Thanks so much Artic2 for such a detailed explanation. This will help me a lot. Would that be ok doing 1 at a time? As in, say I do 1 a week because of time restraints. Or would it be better doing them all at once?
  14. Wizard2003

    Injectors! Update

    FL1 - 2005
  15. Wizard2003

    Injectors! Update

    I have 155000 miles on my engine and most likely original injectors. Thanks for letting me know they have to stay "wet" I didn't know that. Gonna do the glow plugs as well so hopefully it'll be like a new engine 😊
  16. Wizard2003

    Injectors! Update

    Apparently it was a water pump problem.
  17. Wizard2003

    Injectors! Update

    Yeah well he gives me them at a good price so I think it worth the risk. When I get round to it I'll update the post.
  18. Wizard2003

    Injectors! Update

    What's the chances that injectors from an engine with head gasket failure are still good? At least one of mine have failed, maybe 2. And I've got my hands on a full set from a failed engine. Guy swears the injectors were good and not that old.
  19. Wizard2003

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Had to grind off the drop links today 😁, still had knocking noise though. Turned out the driver side, side step was very rusted and basically falling off. I never noticed because I don't use and just step right into the car. Had to also grind that off as well. Will need to take the other side...
  20. Wizard2003

    What does this do?

    Thanks Nodge! Yeah, don't think I'll be doing that 😂