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  1. N


    Be nicer if it was in black, which you can get.
  2. N

    Shaking Td5 disco

    Checked your hubs?
  3. N

    Disco 2 Oh B0||0x

    Just had my rear ACE pipes changed by my local indie. Used, guess what, Britpart! My mechanic reckons they were probably the easiest he has changed in terms of the bends being the right shape for easy fitting. UP yours Britpart bashers!
  4. N

    Disco 2 Traction control issue

    I had a similar problem when taking a mini island spiritedly in the wet. The nearside rear sort of 'banged' and briefly locked up causing the rear of the car to slew sideways. Presume it was something to do with the T/C.
  5. N

    Disco 2 D2 air suspension

    Have you checked the compressor relay?
  6. N

    Disco 3 (LR3) Purchase thoughts....

    Judging by the posts on here I personally wouldn't go near a D3. Buy a newish pick-up if you must.
  7. N

    Disco 2 Fire Extinguisher

    The only problem that I can see wit 'Brian 47' siting of his extinguisher is if you have a rear end smash and you cant open the door it becomes very difficult to access.
  8. N

    Right ...ok?

    Fixed the horns.
  9. N

    Right ...ok?

    Had this problem when I first got the car 9 years ago. Sprayed wd40 liberally through the grill. Problem solved.
  10. N

    Air suspension

    I take it you disconnected the battery before fitting the height sensor? If you did I would suggest there is a problem with the air bag itself.
  11. N

    Disco 2 No more ACE and no more air springs - YIPPIE!

    £175.00 from Aerosus in Germany
  12. N

    Help please!! 4130 - Rear left height sensor out of range (Short or broken wire)

    After a series of problems finally bought a new compressor (£175.00) from Aerosus in Germany. Never had the slightest inclination to go the spring route.
  13. N

    Series 1?

    That brings to mind the film "Ice cold in Alex" when a series 1 landrover appeared in one of the last sequences. Remember it was supposed to be WW11.
  14. N

    Disco 2 tailgate closure adjustment

    Er..........Adjust the catch!
  15. N

    Advice sought re. 'End of life' Discovery2

    Advertise it with the good bits and the bad bits. Let the punter make his/her mind up.
  16. N

    Disco 2 odd problem

    You say you have changed the solenoid on the starter. Do you mean just the solenoid or solenoid + the starter contacts?
  17. N

    Disco 2 Air suspension intermittent hiss

    Mine hisses at me when running. Took that to mean it had reached its optimum pressure.