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  1. N

    Disco 2 climate control unit bulbs?

    Nice pics of hands and arms:D
  2. N


    Thanks, another one to add to my obviously lack of internet vocabulary.
  3. N


    I have already had the rear pipes done. As I have a back problem I am unable to do the work myself. I asked for identification of individual pipes so that I can save a day on fixing it by my local independent garage by getting the pipe myself which they don't mind. In the meantime I'm going to...
  4. N


    Is there such a thing as a schematic or diagram for this?
  5. N


    I have a bad leak in one of the front ACE pipes (lower one I think). Trouble is there are 5 different pipes listed on line. Anyone know which is which? It's a D2 BTW.
  6. N

    Disco 2 It died!! But now lives...

    Should be able to get up to 50miles after the fuel warning light comes on.
  7. N

    Disco 2 Grinding.. Knocking.. Still haven't found it.

    Find an empty car park and put hard lock on in both directions, then drive it hard as possible. If it's a CV problem you'll hear it.
  8. N

    Disco 2 Looking for some ACE info...?

    Mine self bled after around a fortnight. Just kept an eye on the filler level. No adverse handling problems in the meantime.
  9. N

    Disco 2 Occasional immobilisation

    Try pressing the unlock button on the fob once you are inside the vehicle.
  10. N

    Disco 2 Ace Pipes

    Sorry, misled you. £188.00 was for fitting only. As said the pipes are in the £200.00 bracket. Mine came from Britpart.
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    Disco 2 Ace Pipes

    So far I've spent £188.00 on new fitted rear pipes which I consider good value. Had a new Asus compressor (£175 inc new relay) as well. I much prefer to keep the existing system.
  12. N

    Disco 2 Oil Pump Bolt Poll

    I have never checked mine but noticed when I first had my car that the bonnet had been off (paint on hinge bolts all chipped), so something pretty serious had been done prior to 88000 miles.
  13. N

    Need a half chassis disco td5

    Personally if your motor needs a half chassis I'd be looking closely at the rest of the car to make absolutely sure it's worth the expense.
  14. N

    Disco 1 Death Wobble - Please Help

    I'm not convinced the panhard rod is your problem. I would take another look at your swivel pins and bearings. Long time ago since I had a D1 but had a similar problem and rebuilding the pins solved it.
  15. N

    Disco 2 Ticking noise from right front wheel

    Most likely CV joint.
  16. N

    Disco 2 TD5 starting problems.

    Starter fubarred!
  17. N

    Fuel leak td5...please help

    You have a piece missing from the bottom of the filter that your connector fits on.
  18. N

    Disco 1 Egr dpf mot

    Why would they want to look at the brake fluid? As I understand it, as long as the brakes work within the MOT regs that is all that is required.
  19. N


    Crankshaft pulley or fan?