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  1. N

    which are the best shocks for a Disco 2 at the moment?

    Agree totally with Sierra Ferry on Bilsteins.
  2. N

    How do I re-instate the ACE system if it's been disabled?

    The kit is available from Britpart. Comes with new belt and pulley. All you do is remove the ace pump, blank off the pipes and fit the new.
  3. N

    How do I re-instate the ACE system if it's been disabled?

    Just out of interest I fitted an ace bypass to mine after problems with the actuator connections. Cost me £36.00 all in, no lights on the dash, no nothing. To be honest I don't subscribe to the "Ace must have". There's very little difference.
  4. N

    Disco 2 Rear Air Bag - recommendations

    If I remember rightly Dunlop are push fit, Cotitech are screw fit.
  5. N

    Clutch master cylinder not filling from reservoir.

    Just an addition to this thread. I had similar trouble with a D1. Tried everything to bleed it, gave up, went to bed. Next morning found it had self-bled, perfect pedal. Just a thought.
  6. N

    Disco 3 (LR3) Bilstein B6 Shocks & new air bags?

    You wont go far wrong with Bilstein shocks. Used them on various cars.
  7. N

    300tdi edc tachometer faltering

    When that happened to mine all I did was to liberally spray WD40 in the back of the alternator. Fixed it and never faltered after that.
  8. N

    Td5 using excessive fuel

    Faulty fuel guage:rolleyes:
  9. N

    Disco 2 ACE removal.

    No need to remove anything. If its the kit I think you are talking about, fits easy.
  10. N

    Disco 2 ACE removal.

    Interesting, the main problem with reinstating the ACE seems to be the ace block which, given the age of all D2s, corrodes around the outlets which is what happened to mine. It then becomes impossible to fit the standard connections which is why owners on here go to the extent of changing to...
  11. N

    Disco 2 TD5 Fuel priming does not seem to work

    Sounds like injectors.
  12. N

    Disco 2 Vibration!!!!

    I think engine mounts are your answer.
  13. N

    disco 2 intermittent starter

    Sounds like starter giving up.
  14. N

    Drag arm ball joint no more....

    Probably the complete ball has come out. Mine was original factory fitted.
  15. N

    Drag arm ball joint no more....

    I had this happen to me after a 70mph trip down the M5. No difference to steering prior to failure and had been MOT'd two months before. Actually just fell off when I parked up, very scary. Wrote to Landrover suggesting the should fit grease nipples to these joints. Predictably they didn't want...
  16. N

    End of the road for Disco 2

    It would appear his vehicle has already gone to DUNSFOLD as spares so any comments are academic.
  17. N

    End of the road for Disco 2

    Obviously too late to comment but £2 to £3k to repair would seem extremely high even fitting a new Ace pump ( around £450 )
  18. N

    End of the road for Disco 2

    What exactly made your motor uneconomical to get thro an MOT ?