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  1. N

    Gearbox shennanigans

    we'll probably never know!
  2. N

    Gearbox shennanigans

    What I was getting at is because there is less strain on 4th gear bearing any wear is lessened (and therefore less noise). I feel its the mainshaft bearing that's the problem.
  3. N

    D2 Air compressor

    Well you've done the deed now! I had the same issue about 18 months ago and bit the bullet and bought a new compressor from Germany, Asus £175.00. No problems since.
  4. N

    Gearbox shennanigans

    Correct me if I'm wrong but is'nt 4th gear direct drive thro the gearbox putting less strain on the bearings and consequently less noise.
  5. N

    Gearbox shennanigans

    Sounds like a collapsed mainshaft bearing.
  6. N

    Disco 1 (300tdi) Wipers not parking

    Try taking the wiper arm off and let the motor go through its full cycle. Then refit the arm and see what happens.
  7. N

    Broken spring?

    I'm assuming it's had a rear spring conversion?
  8. N

    Help my Disco 2 is down on its haunches

    Exhaust solenoid stuck open on the air compressor?
  9. N

    D2 grinding

    What makes you think it's not the TC. It has the hallmarks.
  10. N


    +1 on that. Mine's been like that since I had it 10 years ago. Only when cold.
  11. N

    Judder when pulling away and turning right

    Any noises associated with the problem?
  12. N

    Disco 2 Got warm at high revs

    Which is why I said it was malfunctioning rather than completely shot.
  13. N

    Disco 2 Radio crackles when rear heated screen is on

    Check your earth on the window.
  14. N

    Disco 2 Got warm at high revs

    I'd say your thermostat is malfunctioning.
  15. N

    Disco FPR leak

    You can get a repair kit that includes that seal although I seriously doubt that is the cause of the leak.
  16. N

    Disco 2 Bit Confused - Starting Issue Again

    Plunger not working right. Have you replaced it along with the contacts?
  17. N

    Disco 2 Bit Confused - Starting Issue Again

    Sure you've got the contacts the right way round?
  18. N

    D2 tailgate won't open from the inside and outside

    Have you prised off the landrover emblem from the number plate illumination handle and sprayed WD40 liberally inside?
  19. N

    Discovery 2 starting problems

    Glow plugs?