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  1. I

    cam belt cheats

    When I needed to change the belts on my V6 'Clutchdust' sent this reply 'To do the main timing belt, strip it all down to access the belt then get someone on the front bulley with a ratchet. Turn the engine while cutting the belt along its length with a sharp stanley kinife, once you've gone...
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    How long should the FBH stay on?

    Check this thread
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    HDC Problem

    Short out the switch and see if that brings on the light.
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    Grinding noise

    Search and you will find this thread
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    won't go into gear - not mc or sc

    Glad you asked O.P., I was trying to work it out myself.
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    Rear seat release not working

    Check this thread
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    1.8 XEI won't start!

    As the temperature gauge is getting a signal with the sensor disconnected and your diagnosis machine isn't working it looks like you haven't connected some of the plugs in the right places. Try unplugging connectors until the temp. gauge drops. Or possibly you have clamped a cable which is...
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    OBDII and MIL light info

    A few peeps have asked about fault readers and how to reset the fault light. Check this site and its links, might be of help. On-board diagnostics
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    Clutch problem?? Any help

    Also check this thread
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    Clutch problem?? Any help

    I don't have this problem as mine is an auto, but I seem to remember some threads about a clip holding the slave cylinder breaking allowing it to move back. Search and you should find them, this might be your problem.
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    Freelander drains battery overnight

    If you wanted to be a bit safer you could disconnect the earth and put the light in that wire, then if it accidently touch your car bodywork it wouldn't go bang.
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    Sunroof problems

    Check threads in earlier reply, its a plastic slider that breaks, I have repaired 4 of them and posted some pictures on this site somewhere.
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    1.8 XEI won't start!

    Also did your diagnosis machine communicate O.K. before you replaced the head gasket ?
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    1.8 XEI won't start!

    If you disconnect the engine temperature sensor does the gauge still go to the red and bring on the warning light ?
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    1.8 XEI won't start!

    Either circuit would prove the relay is getting a signal to pull it in, wouldn't prove if the relay is actually working though.
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    heater fan noisey

    Take the fan out of the heater, (comes out into drivers footwell) and check for debris.
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    glow plug testing

    Don't clamp on meters only work on A.C.
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    glow plug testing

    Yes, the resistance will be very small, i would use a Mega, as they will measure that accurate. Most 'Sparks' will have one.
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    glow plug testing

    You could check the resistance to earth whilst they are still in place, if all four are similar they are probably O.K. as the chances of all four developing the same fault without going open circuit is small.
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    glow plug testing

    You would get a b****y great spark if they were shorted and it would already of blown the fuse to your glowplugs or burnt out your wiring