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  1. K2tnt

    1992 200tdi Discovery- gradually improving my daily driver

    Yeah, did all 4 ball joints and steering damper at MOT time. Was still wobbling after that. Had new bushes put in Panhard rod today, and sent steering box off to be reconditioned. As well as getting some new Super Gaz shocks for the rear (they were mismatched). Also changed engine, transfer...
  2. K2tnt

    1992 200tdi Discovery- gradually improving my daily driver

    Yeah they are, so that should help anyway.
  3. K2tnt

    1992 200tdi Discovery- gradually improving my daily driver

    Ah, right. The shims are the things that sit between the “top hat” and the housing aren’t they? Panhard rod is already off so going to do bushes anyway. Getting it off was fun, pinch bolts will definitely need replacing as they were very rusty. Taking it somewhere to get bushes pressed out.
  4. K2tnt

    1992 200tdi Discovery- gradually improving my daily driver

    Oh! Thought adding shims tightened them up if they’re loose?
  5. K2tnt

    1992 200tdi Discovery- gradually improving my daily driver

    After driving to Wales over the weekend, the death wobble presented itself quite dramatically, and again it was very wandery over 60mph! So am going to sort the Panhard rod bushes, possibly get power steering box refurbished (it’s dribbling a bit), and look at swivels. I saw that you can try...
  6. K2tnt

    Disco 1 Moped/scooter in back of Disco 1?

    FYI it fitted... didn’t have to remove any seats but folded back ones down. Went in diagonally quite well!
  7. K2tnt

    Disco 1 Moped/scooter in back of Disco 1?

    Thinking of getting my 16yr-old a moped- will one fit in the back of a Disco 1? According to googling, a full size motorbike won’t, but I’d have thought a 50cc scooter might? This would just be to get it home from where I’ve got it? Would removing back and front passenger seat help?
  8. K2tnt

    1992 200tdi Discovery- gradually improving my daily driver

    Cheers! That’s great to hear. Sadly I’ve picked up a death wobble recently, despite (or because) of all the steering work it’s had. Ordered new panhard rod bushes, but wondering if it’s the swivels. Still, there’s always something...!!
  9. K2tnt

    Disco 1 Death wobble! Likely causes...

    Ordered panhard rod bushes. Going to start with easier things first, although I have suspicions it’s swivels. Drop arm nut is tight, that was loose a while ago so I did it then. Hammered 2 flats of locknut over it to stop it loosening, seems to have done the job.
  10. K2tnt

    Disco 1 Death wobble! Likely causes...

    After replacing tyres, all ball joints, steering damper on my 200tdi I’ve suddenly got a death wobble at 60-65mph when I hit a bump. Scared the cr@p out of me first time! When I drop to 55 it stops. Searched forum and there are many causes! Checked wheel bearings which are fine, tyres are new...
  11. K2tnt

    1992 200tdi Discovery- gradually improving my daily driver

    Just got the remote central locking working! Not much to show in a picture, but should make it a lot easier to live with...!
  12. K2tnt

    Disco 1 More central locking issues!

    All done, thanks! Think something has fused or gone wrong in drivers door motor/actuator or whatever as only way to make it work was replace with a slave unit I had lying around, so key won’t operate central locking till I find a replacement. Anyway it works now, even wired up indicators to...
  13. K2tnt

    Disco 1 More central locking issues!

    Currently the doors only work with key. Haynes manual for early Discos circuit diagram shows the drivers actuator as not having a motor, whereas later one does. Anyway, planning on replacing drivers motor with a slave unit so the only way to activate central locking will be with fob when I’ve...
  14. K2tnt

    Disco 1 More central locking issues!

    I just disconnected the drivers door actuator and connected the orange/pink wires to the positive and negative wires just now and all the doors locked and unlocked fine. The drivers door didn’t as it was disconnected. I think the master in the diagram above has a motor in it, whereas mine...
  15. K2tnt

    Disco 1 More central locking issues!

    Ah! Got somewhere. Bloke on Project Jay Facebook page said he used a different drivers door motor. Makes sense really as the drivers door hasn’t actually got a motor in it- it’s just an actuator. So I plan to fit the kit I’ve got and unlock drivers door by hand until I can find a combined...
  16. K2tnt

    For Sale 200TDI Discovery spotlight grille and beige dashboard

    Here we have a full beige dashboard for 200Tdi Discovery. Bought in a bundle with some other bits which I needed. In OK condition, no cracks but has had a fuse box added on passenger side and a metal rail stuck to the top. Might be useful for spare bits like vents? £10 collected, from near...
  17. K2tnt

    Disco 1 More central locking issues!

    Thanks for input- I’ll have a go at that. Someone on Project Jay group on Facebook had managed it with his 200tdi so it must be possible! Cheers!
  18. K2tnt

    Disco 1 More central locking issues!

    Thanks for reply- pretty certain I have the earlier system as have no remote or immobiliser and 4 wire actuator. What’s odd is the fuse blows even when I’m testing the wiring- I’ve bypassed the kit and just tried a live/earth feed connected for a “blip” to the pink/orange wires and it blows...
  19. K2tnt

    Disco 1 More central locking issues!

    Yeah it’s weird. The central locking on the car works fine (apart from lazy motors) but when I try to connect the kit up it doesn’t work. I followed advice on this thread... and tested the wires with a...