Been on a sorn for about 12 mths starts +drives ok,two small holes in the chassis need welding,had a hinge pannel on the drivers side needs one on the passengers side,got one but no time to fit it.engine came out of a low miles 110 td.
I'll be putting my s3 lightweight on ebay soon,got a 2.5td engine runs and drives ok,been on a sorn for about a year, lack of time and money :(.Open to sensible offers.
Ive got one ,was with a load of stuff when I got my lightweight but I never fitted it ,it looks like its all there and I was told it was ok by the guy I got it from .make me an offer :)
Picture one is the breather for the boost control solenoid and just hangs down behind the engine(I think there is a clip to stop it flopping about)
and I think picture two is the breather pipe for the IRD,