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  1. M

    Low compression and much smoke

    Thanks for the info. I guess what I would like to know is will a rebuilt engine provide more power (torque) and clean up the air behind the car as I am pressing on the accelerator. The smoke is dark, not light so I think this is typical of diesels, but it seems to be a bit more than others I...
  2. M

    Low compression and much smoke

    I have a 1978 Series 3 diesel. I have only owned it for 2 months and while it runs fairly well, I am trying to decide if I should rebuild the engine. When I bought it, the mechanic that inspected it for me said that compression was at about 60%. I am not very mechanically inclined, but I do...
  3. M

    Gears grinding in Series III between 3rd and 4th - no overdrive

    Good advice. Of course, trying to explain what needs to happen to my Costa Rican mechanic may prove a challenge. I am going to try to find out if he knows how to do that. Is this a major job costing a great deal of money, or is it primarily labor?
  4. M

    Gears grinding in Series III between 3rd and 4th - no overdrive

    Yes, kind the gearshift at times seems sloppy, but of course I am used to driving a Mini Cooper where the gears are much more clear. I guess I am concerned that it might need some tranny oil. Could that be the problem too?
  5. M

    Gears grinding in Series III between 3rd and 4th - no overdrive

    I am totally new to this forum, so I hope all your enthusiasts will forgive any ignorance I have about my beloved Landy. I purchased my 1978 Santana-built Series III Diesel about a month ago. I had it checked out by a reputable shop in San Jose Costa Rica. They assured me all was well, but...