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  1. W

    air lock after sitting

    yeah, its in the right direction so the ball valve should work. that's why I think the leak is before the pump? I have mounted it on the underside of the frame upside down. would that make a difference? thanks
  2. W

    air lock after sitting

    hi, i have just replaced all of the fuel lines and pump in my land rover, because the original daihatsu engine lift pump was broken, i used a facet electric pump and it works well. it primes easily and runs great, however. after sitting for a few hours, it seems like air has entered the...
  3. W

    losing fuel prime

    yes, seems to be the case, I've got the full manual here.
  4. W

    losing fuel prime

    its taken me a while to find the original manual in English for the engine, and I've attached the photo of the fuel system here. it seems like my lady is rigged up completely different and comes in from the tank at the top of the filter housing. I'm not an expert, but it seems like it shouldn't...
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    losing fuel prime

    yes, I have considered running a spill line, however the current setup has the leak-off rail going back into the pump, I think that if I moved the location of the leak off line I would have to blank off the pump in order to stop air accumulating. additionally, the leak off rail is tiny and only...
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    losing fuel prime

    fuel filter is the highest point in the whole system, mounted to the top of the valve cover, I have already replaced the filter and am fairly sure there isn't any leaks there. I think I'm going to get a facet pump as suggested above, then replace all the rubber lines for good measure as well.
  7. W

    losing fuel prime

    hi, I have a Land Rover series 3 with a 2.5l Daihatsu engine fitted and have been having some issues related to losing fuel prime. when looking at the fuel system it seems like it is quite unusual compared to the 2.25 diesel. it only has a feed line from the tank and the return line has been...
  8. W

    Land Rover series 3 Daihatsu diesel

    ok thank you, might take it apart, the rest of the vehicle is hardly in showroom condition, so if I can get away with just the clutch plate and throwout bearing this would make it much easier, as the only genuine Daihatsu clutch I can find is well over 200 pounds.
  9. W

    Land Rover series 3 Daihatsu diesel

    is there any chance that the landy will be fitted with Land Rover clutch, or will the conversion mean it has to be a Daihatsu clutch? thanks
  10. W

    Land Rover series 3 Daihatsu diesel

    hi, I have recently purchased a Land Rover series 3 that has been engine swapped from a 2.25 diesel to a 2.5l diesel from Daihatsu. after my experience in owning both a 2.25 diesel Land Rover and the Daihatsu swapped one, I must say that the Daihatsu diesel suits the Land Rover very well. it has...
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    Land Rover series 3 diesel

    hi, I have a Land Rover series 3 with the 2.25 diesel fitted. its now time for a new timing chain, as the adjustments made to the pump have reached their limit. looking online, I se that all the kits available are for the petrol. is the timing chain the same? or do I need to source one that is...
  12. W

    Land Rover series 3 diesel

    thanks for your help. I've moved the pump 1mm clockwise and It now runs really well and has stopped smoking entirely. however, It is now very nearly out of adjustment. so I will order the parts for the timing system and will fit it when I get time. thanks.
  13. W

    Land Rover series 3 diesel

    hi, I have looked at the pump, and the timing has been advanced but not that far. would you suggest that I continue to advance it or just go straight to doing the timing chain. I don't need the car to be perfect, so if advancing the timing will help and won't damage anything then im ok.
  14. W

    Land Rover series 3 diesel

    hi, what do you mean by "the chuff" I will have a look at the injector slots and see if it has been adjusted. if it has previously been advanced is this a sign that there is lots of previous wear in the chain? Is the timing chain an easy job that could be done from home? I have had a look online...
  15. W

    Land Rover series 3 diesel

    hi, I'm looking for people's opinion about my series 3 diesel. it has 78,000 on it and absolutely no blowby, however I am aware that the diesels can be a bit fussy about timing and fuel injection. I have attactched this video and want to know wether this looks like oil (blue) smoke or white...
  16. W

    series 3 injectors

    what would poor pressure do too the injectors? 3 of them were spraying in a split pattern so I have put that down to crap in the nozzles. I have given them all new nozzles. would poor pop pressure cause a split spray pattern? I am not that keen to buy a machine because I will never do any work...
  17. W

    series 3 injectors

    thanks, I have taken out the injectors, however they only seem to have a steel washer in them. diagrams show a steel washer against the head followed by a copper washer against the injector. is this right? If there are supposed to be copper washers, this would mean that my injectors have been...
  18. W

    series 3 injectors

    do the crush washers have to be replaced every time. or can you put it back together and run it until new ones arrive? thanks
  19. W

    series 3 injectors

    hi, what is the process for taking out the injectors in a series 3 2.25 diesel. I have taken out similar cav injectors in a tractor before, but they had the nozzle on the end of the injector. and I think i'm right I saying that the Land Rover injectors have a hotspot in the cylinder head and I...
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    Series 3 diesel knock

    I will get a video from inside the bonnet later. when I slackened off the injectors it wouldn't stay running, and would stall.