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  1. jrose

    Internal Spare wheel carrier

    The one that done it for me was when I went out one morning and loads of those helicopter seed things had germinated inside it, it was like a small forest lol
  2. jrose

    Internal Spare wheel carrier

    Thankyou, I'll take a look at that one on Ebay, been trawling through tech drawings, not a lot of info about them, I think the bulkhead has pre-drilled holes for it as well. Mine has some pretty awful old parabolic springs on it, more weight at the back seems to make it a smoother ride.
  3. jrose

    Internal Spare wheel carrier

    I am thinking of moving my spare wheel from my Bonnet to the bulkhead behind the seats in my 109, I like the spare on the bonnet but it ends up a filthy mess with trees growing in it from all the seeds that drop in there, I think I've found an original one on Ebay, but there are so many...
  4. jrose

    Spurious temperature.

    Afternoon all, I was out driving yesterday evening and as it got dark I switched on my instrument panel light, as i did, the engine temperature shot up from its usual half way to near the red zone, turned it off and the temperature went back to normal, anyone had this happen, obviously the...
  5. jrose

    S3 Dumb Irons

    5 5 Grand ?
  6. jrose

    S3 Dumb Irons

    Morning all, it looks like I need to replace one of my dumb irons, does anyone who's had it done know roughly how much I'm looking at to get it done.
  7. jrose

    Window catches series 3

    I thought as much, been surfing the web for hours, was hoping to find some nice galvanised ones or something a bit stronger.
  8. jrose

    Window catches series 3

    Afternoon, I'm just getting round to fitting my window catches, they've been sat in place since I got her, before I start drilling, is there a better quality nicer looking catch that will fit in their place or are these my only choice.
  9. jrose

    Superwinch Overdrive

    I'll keep you in mind
  10. jrose

    Superwinch Overdrive

    I think you are right about the Superwinch/Fairey overdrive, I think one of the two companies bought out the other and a lot of info on the net states that you can use parts with either name on either drive. I will check out Ebay for the banking kit and special tool. I don't do any motorway...
  11. jrose

    Superwinch Overdrive

    My series 3 109 has a superwinch overdrive fitted, I'm thinking of removing it to overhaul it, but want to use it while I'm doing the job, has anyone done this and if so is it easy enough to do without spending a lot of money for a temporary use.
  12. jrose

    Ignition barrel

    Does anyone have any experience with replacing the ignition barrel on series 3's Its a 2 1/4 petrol, non locking, the key was pretty lose when I got it, it rattles about a bit and can be removed with the engine running, its playing up a bit more now so time for a new one, Lucas do one for about...
  13. jrose

    Series 3 109 suspension

    My series 3 109 is in need of new suspension, it has parabolics on it from when I bought it, I don't think it was a decent kit, it sits quite hight and has a slight list to STBD, is there a reputable manufacturer that anyone has used, as they all claim to be the best money can buy, I'd rather it...
  14. jrose

    Ern Lake Jack

    Was looking at some new rear tyres for my 109, thought I'd better check out the Jack that came with it, turns out to be an Ern Lake 4 Ton screw Jack, markings look like MOD, found some info on a vintage Jack website, it recommended they only be used for display purposes now as it's that old, so...
  15. jrose

    Attempted theft of series 3 in Basildon

    Not got any extra security on the Landy, I'm looking at getting some now though.
  16. jrose

    Attempted theft of series 3 in Basildon

    Morning all, just to let you know, a couple of thieves were caught by my neighbour last night, trying to break into my series 3, she was woken by her ring doorbell which got a decent picture of them, both got caught by the police a short while after.
  17. jrose

    Holes in Bulkhead.

    I did indeed.
  18. jrose

    Holes in Bulkhead.

    I thought the same, I found out what they were and told them, apparently not all Land Rovers were fitted with them, I might get a hand throttle and fit it, not use it, I think it would look better than a couple of plastic Grommets.
  19. jrose

    Elbow to Weber Carb adaptor.

    So I decided to strip down my oil bath air filter and give it the once over, was surprised at how good it was inside, I did however notice that the elbow that fits onto the i carb intake is a rattling good fit, does anyone know of anywhere that makes an adaptor for if or am I just as well using...
  20. jrose

    Holes in Bulkhead.

    Or I could fit a hand throttle for authenticity lol Not had it long, I pulled the seats forward to clean behind them and the hand cranking bar is still there on its rack. He'd also had the tyres at the right pressures on the wrong axles, quite a difference in driving when they are correct