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  1. nickp3003

    Electric Window question Take a look at the above thread, I gotta look at this same thing too when I have time my rear windows are intermittent.
  2. nickp3003

    UEV-490 - anyone got one?

    I expected them to be pricey was thinking probably £15k (same as a small new caravan) not over £25k!
  3. nickp3003

    UEV-490 - anyone got one?

    Wow, they look impressive any idea on what prices their on the market for? I'm sure if you were serious about it you could get one shipped in from aus, probably take a few months by container though!
  4. nickp3003

    Help please mobile mechanic quinton

    If changing the hub completely then you will probably think "the brake disc is welded on!" That's the only problem with changing the hub, you end up changing the brake discs (both sides) too it can be hard to get the original ones off alive!
  5. nickp3003

    Help please mobile mechanic quinton

    Could a mod please move this thread to the defender section too? Don't want any panicking somebody's in need of rescue :p
  6. nickp3003

    Help please mobile mechanic quinton

    Same happened to me, you need a puller, and will need to renew the stub axel after, 52mm box spanner is defiantly worth getting too instead of grinding or (what I had to do at first) chiseling he hint off.
  7. nickp3003

    Hi,with a 100% free offer!

    Some freelander owner on here could very soon enjoy siting on the new free seat covers eating free spam and free cake thinking isn't life good :)
  8. nickp3003

    Hi,with a 100% free offer!

    Wonder if it goes well with cake? :D
  9. nickp3003

    Hi,with a 100% free offer!

    Might be good idea to post this in freelander section, as you cannot post in for sale section (under 50 posts), probably a freelander owner close to you who will happily take them. Just explain that there free to collector, you will not post and you have less than 50 landyzone posts so cannot...
  10. nickp3003

    Hi,with a 100% free offer!

    They look tidy, don't think it's a problem if your giving them away, very good of you somebody on here would probably take you up on the offer, better than in the bin!
  11. nickp3003

    Billing LR show 2014

    I've only been the once, Billing was better than Bath and West, but Bath and West was better than Eastnor, never been to Peterborough, I probably won't make it this year as the Saturday I'm at my best mates wedding and Sunday I'll still be ****ed as a rat :D and it's quite a long way.
  12. nickp3003


    I think I would give it another go (sometimes you can get so ****ed off with a job walk away then come back and do it) but if it gets to the point where you feel something is gonna go wrong take it to a garage and let them pay the repair bill if they bugger it up, if they did strip the thread...
  13. nickp3003

    Help please mobile mechanic quinton

    Post question in relevant section with model, age and engine, if your doing it yourself look up busters how to thread.
  14. nickp3003

    Diff lock stiff Try this link
  15. nickp3003

    Diff lock stiff

    Very common problem, mine became more useable once I used it a few times, there's a few threads on here that give you all the info you need to free it up.
  16. nickp3003


    I did say unless you were :rolleyes: just making the point there known to try to rip you off, if you have a local garage thats got a good reputation give them a ring for a quote...
  17. nickp3003


    +1 unless your a posh tart with plenty of money who knows naff all about cars in need of a new pair of tyres... And come out with new brakes, exhaust, wheel bearings, and air con regas :D:D:D
  18. nickp3003

    Where do you live?

    Make a thread in this section to introduce your self ;) then go to freelander section and ask there about your engine mods ;)
  19. nickp3003

    Billing LR show 2014

    Anybody going this year? I found it to be quite a nice show last year although I was land rover less back then :( it really inspired me to buy a landy rather than any other 4x4 (Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Isuzu ect...) Plenty of clubs, stalls, trade stands, shows and demonstrations with a good off...
  20. nickp3003

    Virtual off road game

    I'll have to look into these games, good for when the landys broke :)