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  1. P

    rear window and wiper stopped working

    I'm not sure which pins on the plug to bridge to make it parked that's the problem, I've held the microswitch in but that didn't help but could be the microswitches at fault. I've removed the wiper motor and ran the motor off a battery so the motor itself hasn't failed
  2. P

    rear window and wiper stopped working

    I did get someone to press what looks like the parked microswitch on the wiper motor whilst I tried to operate the window but still no luck. That's not to say the microswitch itself isn't knackered
  3. P

    Smoky start

    No I wouldn't have thought the injectors have been touched to be honest. A little update though, yesterday put Wynn's injector cleaner in and gave it an Italian tune up. Left it over night to settle and started it this morning.......smoke on start up . But only a little puff which I'd expect...
  4. P

    rear window and wiper stopped working

    We talking about the little microswitches under the black plastic cover on the wiper motor itself? Or there some other switch? I'm trying to get another wiper motor to see if that will resolve it. I did think with the wiper motor unplugged the window would operate but it doesn't, it obviously...
  5. P

    rear window and wiper stopped working

    Ok reinstated the boot light here's what happens. Open the boot, all Interior lights come on, close boot 5-10 seconds later all interior lights go out including the boot ‍♂️
  6. P

    Smoky start

    Ideal thank, any idea on the thread read so many now
  7. P

    rear window and wiper stopped working

    Hmmm not sure on that one as the bulb holder was broken, I'll check that tomorrow
  8. P

    rear window and wiper stopped working

    I e also checked continuity from inside the rear quarter panel plugs to the wiper motor plugs and all is good so I don't believe it's a break in the door.loom
  9. P

    rear window and wiper stopped working

    Yep it drops fine on opening and goes up on closing
  10. P

    rear window and wiper stopped working

    Hey all, Ive searched and read loads of threads but no real solution to the problem has come up, yet it appears to be a fairly common fault. Basically the rear wipe/wash and window have stopped working. If i do the battery reset the window goes all the way down upon reconnection, the console...
  11. P

    Smoky start

    Sounds like a plan
  12. P

    Smoky start

    I was leaning more towards injectors to be honest as the weather is warm. Like I say once being driven it seems to clear up but when you stop and idle it has that smoky smell but no real smoke to speak off. Do you think a diesel injector cleaner ran through it would help or will it be injectors...
  13. P

    Smoky start

    Hi all having an issue with a smoky startup, gone through and read loads of threads and followed loads of advice but now not sure where to go next. Basically on start up it pretty smoky (white) I'd say unburnt diesel rather than coolant. It was constantly smokey but I've cleaned the egr...
  14. P

    New Freelander owner

    Hi all, quick intro as I'm new here. Found the forum whilst trying to solve a multitude of Freelander woes Just got a 2002 2.0 TD4 Freelander and I'm based in both Devon