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  1. E

    Turbo Wastegate Percentage %

    Hi, We do always lock it down into third to avoid the box changing we also try to keep the revs a 3000 when climbing, there is definitely no rev increase. its the surging is the only reason why we noticed there was a problem. I'll try climbing in second at a lower rpm and see if it still...
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    Turbo Wastegate Percentage %

    Hi, Did Stall test as suggested and it is 2800 rpm
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    Turbo Wastegate Percentage %

    Hi, Its a 2004 Auto, I think its EU3 as it has a 4 wire air pressure sensor in the air filter box. best readings obtained Max Boost 208 and 213 kPa Air Flow 385 and 302 kg / hr Wastegate 6.97 and 6.8 % RPM 3037 and 2150 Thankyou
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    Turbo Wastegate Percentage %

    Some read outs
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    Turbo Wastegate Percentage %

    Thanks That's an excellent in depth write up, there's always more you don't know :rolleyes: if it is sticking, changing it will obviously help which is my first port of call and then move on to the next suspect.
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    Turbo Wastegate Percentage %

    One on order should get it this week, I'll let you know the outcome
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    Turbo Wastegate Percentage %

    Hi, I have a problem on the Discovery 2 TD5 that it surges when towing a horse trailer up a hill, The wastegate is free easy to move, I checked the actuator using air pressure and it cracks off at 15psi and fully open at 24 psi, The manifold pressure on the hill builds up to 175kPa and the the...
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    Disco 2 Diff lock Light Self Check

    I know just a bit fussy !. but I might of realised earlier had I seen the light coming on during lamp test. Didn't even suspect the lamp was there as a lot of people are saying that the later D2 don't have Diff Lock.
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    Disco 2 Diff lock Light Self Check

    Hi, Just discovered that my D2 (2004) is fitted with a Diff Lock, The lever went across (bit stiff) and the light came on, however it took a bit of effort to to get it to go out. (Diff lock definitely works as I checked by jacking 1 wheel and it locks up) What we didn't realise was during the...
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    Disco 2 Cranks but wont fire

    Hi, Yes we have done that a few times, waited till the pump timed out and up to now its started first time, but it will say 50% of the time start straight away, which doesn't help with the diagnostic plan.
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    Disco 2 Cranks but wont fire

    Hi, No not yet, I am working on the theory that if it starts immediately by simply turning the key on and off. if there was air in the system turning the ignition off and on wouldn't clear any air as it only takes a second to cycle the key and it starts immediately on the second try. the only...
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    Disco 2 Cranks but wont fire

    Hi, My td5 engine cranks over but wont fire up, not even trying. Suspected the crank sensor but the engine ecu shows a rpm when cranking so I assume its OK. Rev counter is dead but I picked up on the following in the Rave. The tachometer, which is located to the left of the speedometer in the...
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    Disco 2 XYZ Switch Auto Box 2004

    THE FINAL CHAPTER Hi, Well eventually its fixed. Mate offered the use of his 4 poster ramp which turned the job around. We didn’t remove the front pipe with cat, instead we only removed the rubber hanger and forced it towards the gearbox and held it over with a ratchet strap. This JUST gave us...
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    Disco 2 XYZ Switch Auto Box 2004

    Thanks Sierrafery, Yes Discovery 2. Can I ask does both crossmembers have to come off to remove the front exhaust pipe ( cat version) as I cant get to the Switch. ?
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    Disco 2 XYZ Switch Auto Box 2004

    Hi, Anybody Know? as above Thanks
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    Disco 2 XYZ Switch Auto Box 2004

    Hi, Their are 2 types of xyz switches- tan cover with cams and micro switches and a black cover with copper tracks and wipers. Are the interchangeable ? Thanks
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    Disco 2 XYZ Switch Auto Box 2004

    Hi, Thanks for that, was your exhaust the Cat version as I can see no way around it because of the diameter. The bolt heads are well rounded off because I thought the Irwin Sockets would definitely get them out but no. They bit in nicely but because they are so tight they eventually slipped...
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    Disco 2 XYZ Switch Auto Box 2004

    Thanks Stanleysteamer
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    Disco 2 XYZ Switch Auto Box 2004

    Hi Everybody, Well now the cold weather is over I started on the xyz switch only to hit massive problems. can't even hardly see the switch let alone get to it, the cat is in the way. Then I discovered that to get the front pipe off the crossmember has to come off. 8 x 10mm flange bolts. used a...
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    Disco 2 XYZ Switch Auto Box 2004

    Hi, My previous Discovery Mk2 was Year 2000 and I never ever saw this gearbox switch problem and I owned it for 5+ years. I don't know if that answers your question.