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  1. wowa75

    Black/White Wire

    Another pic, dash side and clearer
  2. wowa75

    Black/White Wire

    OK, last wiring question (for this week). Loose end with bullet connector. Comes off main loom behind instrument panel. Don't know if belongs engine side or dash side. Looks black (main) and slate but cannot find this combo in diagram. Black/white only but don't know if there is a corresponding...
  3. wowa75

    Next and hopefully last wiring obsoleteness

    Behind dash I have a bullet block with lots of mainly white wires exiting, see attached. My gut feeling is they are redundant and weren't labelled at tear down. Can some kind soul confirm? Also, can that just be left if redundant or is the exposed bullet pin live and likely to cause a fire...
  4. wowa75

    Wiring help....

    Thanks! Ah, obsolete then (I think). Mine is a 1988 2.5TD > 11L conversion. Don't believe the OneTen had the relay.
  5. wowa75

    Wiring help....

    After consulting numerous+++ diagrams, can you help me out with this? It may be obsolete as I have an autosparks harness but it could be useful too! As you can see from the label, it got away from me during the disassembly. Defender 200tdi.....
  6. wowa75

    Washer bottle motors help....

    Good work, thanks!
  7. wowa75

    Washer bottle motors help....

    Putting this back in after 18 months of distractions! Just plumbing in the lines. Which is the front washer and which is the rear motor? Thanks in advance.
  8. wowa75

    Aftermarket bulkhead re-manufacture

    Thanks for the comments and concerns about strength. (I thought the LZ crowd would take rust-free over safety any day!);). I am following up with them into the new year about this after they have explored it more themselves. I'll let them know the concerns around strength and safety and see how...
  9. wowa75

    200tdi clutch line replacement

    Had the dreaded clutch pedal to the metal a month ago. No evidence of fluid leak. Reservoir was empty though. I thought I'd replace both slave and master cylinders and do some engine bay tidying up. However, clutch line sheared off trying to release the master banjo nut so now I need a new line...
  10. wowa75

    200tdi clutch line replacement

    Had the dreaded clutch pedal to the metal a month ago. No evidence of fluid leak. Reservoir was empty though. I thought I'd replace both slave and master cylinders and do some engine bay tidying up. However, clutch line sheared off trying to release the master banjo nut so now I need a new line...
  11. wowa75


    Heading to work this am in 200tdi 110. Trucking along at 40-50mph and went over slight/gentle depression in road. Well it sent the steering wheel crazy and I thought I was going to lose it. Like an alignment speed wobble but way worse. I slowed right down before I ended up in the curb and...
  12. wowa75

    110 Sliders AND Steps!!!!!

    When I did my restoration a couple of years back I decided to go the rock slide route like these: I have been 'told' the kids need side steps (!) so I am considering these: Defender 110 - Fire and Ice Style Side Steps I don't have...
  13. wowa75

    window thickness of door windows......

  14. wowa75

    window thickness of door windows......

    I know Defenders had 5mm glass thickness then later 4mm but what is the thickness of Series door glass? I need to know as I need to replace the window channels in my Defender (with 4mm glass). The channel for series comes in 2m lengths for 3 quid, the channels for my defender cost 30quid per...
  15. wowa75

    Side steps for 110 CSW......

    I thought I'd get away with using my rock sliders to get into vehicle following my build but as time has gone on I definitely need steps. Lifting the kids in the back is acceptable, but I draw the line at lifting the pregnant wife in! I need to know if the genuine SVX type step uses the same...
  16. wowa75

    Ignition power for stereo.......

    Confirmation needed. Are the red/white wires for dash lights, ciggy lighter illumination etc power off the ignition. Need to splice in my stereo and the obvious is ciggy lighter illumination. Don't have my wiring diagram handy. Ta
  17. wowa75

    Defender 90 Interior Rebuild..?

    I fitted FK seats off ebay. Took a gamble, vinyl excellent quality and overall very happy. You won't find anything else for the cost and easy to fit.
  18. wowa75


    Just done this myself on 110 CSW. Earthed a live after fitting dash console and the heat was immense. Ran through main loom in seconds- needed complete replacement (after just spending a grand getting wiring sorted for MOT equivalent). Anyway, main loom from Autosparks ran to about 300 quid...
  19. wowa75

    dash harness......

    I burned the beejeezis out of the small loom to the back of the interior light/gauge light switch and need a replacement. Part number PRC5679. Not available since 2001 apparently. Craddocks told me to make one. Out of what was my thought. Anyway, female connector plug to back of switch is 5...