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  1. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    Absolutely no idea and no idea how to find out. Spain has very little assistance for these things (any help usually comes from an ex-pat!!)
  2. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    Ok got that, accuracy is good.....however when I dismantled the engine TDC was already marked in white paint in the housing. If I do it 'by eye' it lines up every time to +/- 0.5mm so I think I have it damn close. It may come in handy for finding EP on number 1 valve?? I will order one...
  3. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    Nothing above the lift pump
  4. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    Ok....I don't have one of it 100% necessary?
  5. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    The timing belt I purchased is exactly the same part number as the broken one and it was working fine until I started lol
  6. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    I have no idea but everything in the manual is identical, all the pictures are the same . When I reassemble everything I am going to try lining up all 3 dots on the three arrows and see what happens! I've tried everything else by the manual and it doesn't work. I can't reassemble fully just...
  7. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

  8. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    The last pic is exactly like mine...I have marked where TDC is . What is "dti"?
  9. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    Hi, There is no reference to 12j or 13j anywhere on this engine! Only the engine number beginning with E Yes I have the pump locking tool as well as the flywheel locking tool. My flywheel does not have EP marked on the flywheel mark as shown in the book, just the mark! Also I do not have a...
  10. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    Hi, Everything about this engine is exactly as the manual and pictures you show. I attempted the timing for a later engine with the lock pin on the flywheel mark (it is about 1.5 inches from the window and is just past TDC cylinder 1.) When the camshaft dot is lined up with its arrow valve 1 is...
  11. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    Nope all good and solid
  12. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    My engine number is on top right next to the exhaust and inlet manifold. Engine number is E74700663
  13. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    Yes have the correct manual and the timing instructions are very clear and easy to follow. I don't see how it can be a 'turn' out as its by the book so to speak.....neither the crankshaft pulley or camshaft pulley have been removed. I do not know which valves should be in what position when the...
  14. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    I had the same problem before I took the rocker assembly off. There's no nut in the bore lol but I have done daft things before so rule nothing out....when it was mis-timed it rotated ok its only since I have tried to time it as the manual that thus has occurred. Just in case anyone else is...
  15. 1

    Broken Timing Belt

    Hi Again All, Now I'm really stuck..... After all the replies and help identifying the beast and getting the correct manual with the instructions on how to time it, I come across another problem (no surprises there). OK, So, I bought a timing pin to lock the flywheel - OK I rotated the crank...
  16. 1

    2.5na timing

    Yes sorry for the triple threads on the same subject but it's getting very long and most replies don't solve the problem!! I can either try going back to removing the head and then checking all the valve and pushrod- though I have only been cranking buy hand and not forcing anything. It would...
  17. 1

    2.5na timing

    Hi All, Still having trouble trying to time this engine.....I have the correct manual for this engine but for some reason I cannot complete the sequence...I set the pump wheel with the dot on the arrow...I set the camshaft wheel with the dot on its arrow....when I try to rotate the crankshaft...