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  1. O

    Clcok Bulb gone

    Thought I had a spare to check the part no:, I don't sorry. Maybe just ring an LR indi/dealer and ask.
  2. O

    Clcok Bulb gone

    Halfads, 5w halogen, cant remember the part no, sorry. but easy to find.
  3. O

    Defender 90 speedo over-reading

    My 300 is also about 10% out. :)
  4. O

    onboard compressor

    I use one of those portable T Max things, seems to work no problem, but obviously slower than an engine driven one.
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    Expedition equipment- does anyone know if/where...

    Have you thought about flying there and hiring a 4x4?
  6. O

    First tour of Morocco & the promise of more?

    Have fun Griff!
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    Landrover insurance

    A flux, lancaster, footman james or nfu. All pretty good, depending on your needs.
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    door repair advice

    Depends if you know a friendly welder and paint sprayer. And depends how bad the doors are. Get a few quotes. Then you be able to judge it better.
  9. O

    New suspension suggestions please

    HD Springs, and decent (procomp-old man emu-kings) dampers.
  10. O

    tyre needed...can anyone help...please

    yeah ebay, or try your local 4x4 tyre place, may have a part worn.
  11. O

    Trans/gearbox running hot... any ideas?

    Welcome to the forum. Sorry can't be much help, but there are some sensible and knowledge types on here. We all start with Landys sometime, give the guy a break; at least he's got a Landy, and not some Jap!
  12. O

    First tour of Morocco & the promise of more?

    Good news Griff. Check the conditions though, after a gearbox failure in Poitiers, I know the cover I have is tried and tested. If you can get the same for cheaper, great. Where you off next?
  13. O

    Overland Scandinavia

    Brilliant! Have fun! You'll need lots of Euros, and Krone etc. As far as I know there are few greenlanes as such; but I read somewhere on a forum re travelling around the nordic countries, sorry can't remember which one. Search this one, diffflock, LR. Good luck.
  14. O

    First tour of Morocco & the promise of more?

    "Some of us are just born to worry" Sounds like me! :) But your right with the next bit, "you needed that experience", after that it's marmite. Like it or loathe it! If your travelling around Europe; only take out comprehensive breakdown cover, no less. And in my case, if you belong to an...
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    Best parts website defender 90

    as above; plus beamends, paddocks, dunsfold, gotts, and mag ads.
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    First tour of Morocco & the promise of more?

    "The other point to raise is that you should be confident and completely self sufficient. If you do get stuck then what? have a spade, carry waffle boards/sand ladders maybe even a winch and ground anchor. ways of extracting yourself by yourself. Always think things through and take your time...
  17. O

    its back!!!

    Surely those tyres aren't allowed on the road, on anything other than a tractor. Imagine going into a bend at 40+ in heavy rain. :eek:
  18. O

    after having fun at slindon my g/box/transfer box has broke

    Find out what he problem is first, before sourcing T/Box.
  19. O

    What is my problem.

    Check the battery connections. Other than that, sounds like bad connection and/or starter motor.