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  1. martinl


    yes i did, then burnt it with nero. the file on the net was an image file for burning. maybe thats what you have.
  2. martinl

    Wots On?

    :hysterically_laughi smart ass..:)
  3. martinl


    Sorry, I dont know what sonic is, I have Rave on CD and i just go into the files, find tdata.exe, click it twice and away you go..
  4. martinl


    yep, you know where you saved it i hope.
  5. martinl


    use windows explorer, open the folders until you find it, i cant remember where it is, once you find it you can double click to open the prog, and you can create a short cut to the file for future use
  6. martinl


    you need to explore it and find the file "tdata.exe"
  7. martinl

    Do I need rear seats in for MOT?

    If you use a trials bike on the road you will have no lights, no pillion, no brake light and a stupid bulb horn. Because these are not fitted or removed It will pass the MOT, but you will be done if you use it in poor visibility or carry a passenger. note! not fitted or removed is different...
  8. martinl

    Wots On?

    Anyone going anywhere tomorrow? I wanted to RTV but Shrops and Staffs have canceled. Anyone got any ideas, apart from staying in bed, :D
  9. martinl

    How to: Remove clock Disco 1 (with pics)

    coooool Can you do a better photo so i can read your credit card number, LOL
  10. martinl

    bottle jack for defender

    I got both the disco hydraulic one and the 109 screw type. both are double lift and plenty high enough. could be persuaded to part with the screw one for a few beer tokens :)
  11. martinl

    Tyre Siping - anyone done it?

    When i did motorcycle trials we used to run at 4psi to get better mud grip, security bolts required on the bead though. also we would scrap tyres once the sharpness came off the leading edge of the tread, you could turn them round and run them backwards to get double the life too...
  12. martinl

    gasless welder

    I think that is a maintainance issue, ie liner, tourch or tip as I have no problem whatsoever with the Migmate 130.. a super little welder.
  13. martinl

    Landyzone Stickers Choose here

    Have we got any we can order yet?
  14. martinl

    Change bulbs in switches disco 1 help

    you will find 4 tiny philips screws, two from underneath and two near the speedo glass, with these out you can lift the plastic and get your hand behind the switches. They do push out as already said, but its easier with help from behind. Also, you can disconect the wire plug from the switch...
  15. martinl

    Disco Faults

    you should find a tidy vehicle for two grand, biggest problem is rot, look at sills, boot floor and inner wings. One expensive common fault is the ABS light, check your seller hasnt removed the bulb and if the lights on you have a dealer repair to fork out for. Lots of other minor faults but it...
  16. martinl

    Rivnut/ Nutsert tool

    You sure can.
  17. martinl

    MOT FAIL.. Is it worth repairing????

    :hysterically_laughi A Duke gets in your blood just like a Landy, LOL good fun tho, that was a fair trip... things we do for love eh?.. :D
  18. martinl

    MOT FAIL.. Is it worth repairing????

    And the old ones dont have all the fancy electricery bits to go bang when its wet and muddy.. :rolleyes:
  19. martinl

    Help Please Leaking Oil from Swivel Housing

    Agreed its a straightforward task but one worry, WHY is it leaking. A pitted swivel is usually the reason but it can be that the swivel bearings have collapsed, check for play/wear, reshim or renew as required.
  20. martinl

    Plug Sizes . . .

    its half inch square, same as your socket wrench...