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  1. D

    Series 3 series 3 diesel smoking

    Have you checked the injectors ? Check the injector spray pattern and if good have you got the kit to check the injector pop off pressures ? They should pop off at around 130bar. Do not rely on so called diesel refurbishing companies to get the pressures correct, I have had a set that smoked and...
  2. D

    What did you forget to Order

    Don't forget the tin of copper anti seize past. You may well be the next bloke to take it apart. I am lucky to live 13 miles from Craddocks and around 25 from Paddocks so not to much of an issue. Where in NI are you ? We used to have a house in Hollywood County Down. PS. Steering relay !
  3. D

    Six appeal - six cylinder Land Rovers - let's see them!

    I ran a "6" for a while when I also had a Rover P4 (95) I was asked to tow a boat from Brum to Aberdeen and was misled on the all up weight. I filled the tank 14 times on the way up......
  4. D

    White smoke on over-run

    I would go for timing or an injector problem. Have to got access to the kit to set the injector pressures ? I've had injectors professionally overhaled and they where a disaster. Pop off pressures should be 130 bar, once I had set this correctly all my troubles went away. My professionally done...
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    Series 2 Diesel Injector Clean

    As above check the pop off pressures. Aim for 130 bar, If you take the head off carefully check for loose hotspots, I've had the 1 2 3 puff prior to a hotspot dropping and punching through the head gasket and damaging the block/scrapping the cylinder head. Sorry to be negative but this does happen.
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    Series 3 Engine turns.....engine seizes.

    Plus 1 for jammed starter motor. after all the standing rust on the bendix ?
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    Alternative Series Tyres

    300 Hp / ton Rare for me to need 4wd. Learnt my craft and throttle control driving a Dellow trials car plus running in sporting trials with 2wd. Must admit though I never did the extreme play day or silly stuff requiring winches in a Land Rover. Long retired now and no more Landies (except...
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    Alternative Series Tyres

    I ran Avon Rangemaster's 205/16 on my series three 88. Couldn't wear them out so maybe that is where they get the slippy in wet tag ? \|Some people refer to them as "Strangebastards" Never a problem for me in the wet or off road and I never had to put it in four wheel drive. 88s do look nice on...
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    Gear Box Mountings

    From distant memory petrol and diesel mounts differ, check before buying.
  10. D

    Bleeding clutch!

    I always gravity bleed and never any problems, I have also modified the peddle box as Blackburn's video. Have you looked at the flexible pie that runs down the back of the block ? Have a look whilst someone works the clutch, when the pipe is knackered it will balloon and not allow all the fluid...
  11. D

    Series 3 Diagnosing cause of steering problem

    Simple check list. Is steering box secure ? They do come loose. Oil in relay. General play in rod ends. (the one from steering box to relay tends to get overlooked cos it's not easy to change. Remove a steering arm and put a spring balance on to check swivel pre-load. With the seal in place you...
  12. D

    Series 3 Engine thoughts

    The really early three bearing blocks had different main bearing shells with the location tags different to the later style. Early ones are pricey later very cheap so no sense reusing. I would polish the crank fit new shell bearings and glaze break the bores ready for new rings. keep the money...
  13. D

    Series 3 purchase

    No to running on bio diesel. The CAV pump will not tolerate it for long. I did try a 50/50 mix on one of my landies, stunk like a chip shop,poor power and not much £ saving.
  14. D

    Series 3 purchase

    Before I retired 6 years ago a series three diesel was my daily driver if the weather was naff. I usually commuted by motorcycle. Some days if I went to see my Mother it was 120 miles a day, 40/45 MPH cruise 25/28MPG. Ear defenders a good idea, a hoot to drive though and provided endless time...
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    1980 Series 3 diesel rebuild

    Careful what you wish for with bonnet mounted spare. The bonnet with a wheel on is a bugger to lift and if you nudge the bonnet stay when working on the engine......It hurts your head. Is your engine three or five main bearing ? Fives painted terracotter and have herringbone ribbing on lower...
  16. D

    Series 3 One shot grease

    I ran my series three with one shot after replacing the railco bushes. I did however add a grease nipple and drillings to the top kingpin as a precaution. A bit of grease every 3 or 4 months would give me peace of mind and just mix in with the one shot. Used as a daily driver for 4+ years...
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    Series 3 Chassis replacement

    I have seen one of the Davey chassis and it looked good. The chap who had it had not started to fit it so no feedback on ease of fitting.
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    Dumb iron replacement...

    I had mine done years ago by a guy in Birmingham. Not sure if he is still doing this type of work but he had made a jig to bolt on the chassis to ensure alignment. The jig was simple and mainly angle iron. Method was to fit the jig before cutting off the old parts.
  19. D

    Freelander 1 Injector copper-washer removal made easy

    I have yet to mess with a Freelander one but always used a pencil twisted into the copper seal on my series Landies.