Door lock now fixed, the pin on the back of the lock wasn't located, not sure if it had popped out or someone has changed the lock at some point and paid attention, locks and unlocks on the key now so hopefully it will be a little easier to gain access if the coding gets lost again.. :)
Hello peoples
2007 TDV8 L322
Some of you may recall I've been having battery drain after having had the car parked up for several months. Fitted a new battery as a matter of course and still fully drains within 2 days... Then I had lock out, usually I can get power to the car via the tow bar...
Thanks Data, I have a list of faults that flashed up after they were cleared...... Does a new/second hand LCM need coding to the car or is it plug and play do you know?..
I cleared them and most flashed back up! The battery isn't fully charged as yet but has plenty to start the car, will charge when I'm at work. Thanks Kermit
By chance a friend has just popped in for a cuppa, plugged in his diagnostic box and its listed a HUGE number of codes.... The car has always behaved itself and other then the lock out, all electrics have been fine. One thing that stands out is the light control module, I mean there's other...
I did kermit, didn't unlock unfortunately. My plan is to spend the day on RR and try to sort the key lock and then the battery drain, I'm a little out of my depths when it comes auto electronics if I'm honest but will have a look anyways
Turned everything on at tick over, lights, mains and fogs, a/c, heated screens, heated seats.... 13.2v, turned it all off and went to 14.2v. So seems the alternator is charging ok now......... Could it be feeding power back though?
In! :).. So yesterday, I removed the drivers side arch cover to gain access to the bonnet pull cable, needed to use the dogs lead to wrap around the cable and give it a good yank, bonnet popped open, so had power to the battery but still couldn't gain access to the cabin due to lock out. So...
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but......... do we know if this was ever resolved? I've managed to get the bonnet up and put power to the battery but she won't open on the remote.... the key is sending a signal but the car isn't receiving/recognising it, locked out of the car. I read...
Thanks Mark, did a filter and oil change when I got back from Italy, no crap in the pan or around the magnet. I spoke with the garage who did the original service and it turns out they didn't flush the system.... thinking it may have crap stuck somewhere within the oil ways maybe?? Thought it...
Thanks Kermit, I disconnected the battery this evening before coming in as the alarm kept going off once I managed to get the bonnet open, may be I'll have more luck tomorrow..
Hhmmmmmm, I also have a judder... Had the box serviced back in May before heading to Italy, half way down she developed a judder when changing 2nd to 3rd iirc, didn't really get any worse but on the way home she started to slip near calais, drove off the train in the UK fine, few hundred miles...
No, the lock turns both ways and springs back so I don't think its a lock issue, probably the motor or a thingumabob behind...... Tried the tailgate and all other doors, she's deadlocked... Not sure what a hard reset is Kermit?
I thought the very same Data, fitted a new battery 2 weeks ago.... I was hoping to investigate today... I'm going to replace the alternator as my jump pack is telling me its only producing 13.6v on tick over, I read somewhere that they can fail and cause a power drain so seems a good place to...
I've been having a few issues with Rangie over the past few weeks with a power drain, as long as she's used every couple of days she's ok but any longer then its a dead battery. So as work is a little today, this was my day to try and find the issue... Came out this morning to a dead battery...