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blue beasty
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  • hi im opening a new off roading course in northumberland can i put apost on about it and were do i post it
    Hey Blue, wondering if my Nick can be changed. used Barbados when Sandy Landy won't work. Anyway of changing it?
    Not trying to sell here just wanted an idea of price as you see a lot more out there !
    dakar tyres are nice on here you and pikey goin to the sort out sunday brian
    Hello mate. Sorry if I seem thick, but I can't work out how to post a cry for some advice. I have owned a 300TDI Discovery for about five years now. Love it. Unhitched a trailer this afternoon having moved a couple of horses. When I drove off the steering seemed a bit odd. I drove gently on, (very quiet all but private lane) The symptoms are. If I have my foot on the accelerator, the car drives straight, no hands on the wheel, perfect. Take my foot off the gas pedal and it feels as though the rear, wants to overtake the front and I have to steer out of the nearside kerb. I am ignorant but old! Could the rear differential have gone?
    hi brian im going to buy the kingpin advantage tyres off ebay 4no £339 what you recon mud terains 265 75 16
    hi brian cb is transmiting spoke to a #### tard 5 miles away clear as hell my end
    i like the look of popabears series on here.
    looks good big gay wheels yellow bull bar and what looks like old rangey gearbox god nows what engine its got
    What's with editing my post?
    The guy wanted his disco welded for cash, I offered to do it. Do you have an issue with that?
    Can you help here is a list of parts I need to replace, do you know of anywhere nearby that I can get these items?
    Offside rear light
    Near side indicator unit
    Both wipers not working
    New seal for fuel tank......
    45 minutes deciding whether BGB has drifted off topic.

    Was supposed to go on Bum's thread but actually better here.

    hi you said to give you a shout if im out n about,im going sunday only to do some local glos lanes if your sill interested in coming along
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