L322 brembo brake help

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N Yorks
Due to the sudden death of a friend I have inherited a 2011 RR autobiography ultimate which is parked on a 4 post lift with no front brake pipes

He had quite a lot of vehicles so parked this up to swap the corroded front discs (lack of use) and decided to change the brake lines at the same time, tragically before he finished the job he became ill.

I've been and looked at it today and one side has been completed with just the arch liner to replace but the other side is fully stripped with caliper removed.

I've bought the haynes autofix manual but its about as much use as tits on a bull, just full of generic guides with no specific info.

Does anyone have any technical drawings or advice regarding replacing pipes and bleeding?

All info gratedully appreciated
Due to the sudden death of a friend I have inherited a 2011 RR autobiography ultimate which is parked on a 4 post lift with no front brake pipes

He had quite a lot of vehicles so parked this up to swap the corroded front discs (lack of use) and decided to change the brake lines at the same time, tragically before he finished the job he became ill.

I've been and looked at it today and one side has been completed with just the arch liner to replace but the other side is fully stripped with caliper removed.

I've bought the haynes autofix manual but its about as much use as tits on a bull, just full of generic guides with no specific info.

Does anyone have any technical drawings or advice regarding replacing pipes and bleeding?

All info gratedully appreciated
If you look on the fullfatrr forum (yes sorry about that) near the top for "wiki" you can download the workshop manual from a link on there. Sorry to hear about your friend.
I have documents that I am sure are for the Brembo setup (they call it High performance). Not sure what the need for diagnostics as it seems like a conventional type of bleed procedure.

Also torque for caliapers and disc, If 1 side has be done then follow the layout on the other side?



  • Brake bleeding.pdf
    409.7 KB · Views: 20
  • Brake bleeding 2.pdf
    312 KB · Views: 23
  • Brake disc HP.pdf
    143.4 KB · Views: 22
Wow, unfortunate for your and sorry for your loss☹️
The bleeding procedure on that model is a similar affair to most vehicles but I have seen something that contradicts that... There are some bods in here that can clear this up for you👍
Thanks for the replies guys. Thanks for the doc links Marjon, thats really useful, as is the info about the manual on FullfatRR.
I've made a start on putting it back together today, hopefully I should get it ready to bleed tomorrow. The battery is flat and won't accept a charge so I'll have to source a new one and then see what happens when I power it up. More fun and games. Got 2 x 110's and a very special 101 to recommission too once the Rangy is off the lift!
Thanks for the info folks. I've got a battery but my ****y portable machine mart brake pipe flaring tool wouldn't touch the OE steel lines so I've not got round to bleeding it yet. Picked up a blue point hydraulic flaring tool last night so hopefully that will be man enough to flare the steel pipe so I can get a section of copper to the calliper on Monday. Cheers for the tip regarding bleeding the side nearest the brake hose first.