When i built my kitcar i used enough of the donor car to qualify to use that reg number but before i could register it i had to get it inspected with a 'super MOT' at a DVLA test station. I had to insure it using the chassis number. Once it...
If you were in Japan and not Netherlands i'd suspect those marks meant some of the erm, iffy Japanese videos i've watched were based on real living things 😁
Yes, but have you never gone onto a forum looking for an answer to a question and seen person A say one thing and person B say the complete opposite and then person C claim they are BOTH wrong then person D agree with C except that C is wrong as...
I tend to fill things up with what the manufacturer states should go in it. I figure they should know better than some bloke 'down the pub/end of our street/local garage/internet experts' etc
There are I suspect a lot more fake disability claimants than there are politicians or millionaires, so maybe all those small amounts add up to a very large amount.
I'm afraid that the £2 billion figure is likely to be an underestimation the fraudsters hit me in the pocket in the form of taxes to pay for their idleness as do the others so I would be after all of them.
But it isn't just £118 a week is it. That's just the start, something to get your foot through the door of claiming for everything else...
Those neighbours of mine claimed for everything!
Oh i get angry at many sorts of people. Sometimes it's the only thing that gets me up in the morning!
Personally, i don't know ANYONE who was genuinely mis-sold PPI, but many who made a claim. I got fed up with letters asking me to forward my...
I'd describe them as lazy scroungers! (PC description...)
The old man wasn't right in the head either. We used to get a lot of learner drivers stopping to perform manoeuvres along our road. They would sometimes stop by the curb to see how close...
I actually did know three people who preferred to sign on rather than work for a living. They lived on the corner of my road. The old man and his two late twenties daughters, they never worked a day in the five or six years they lived there. They...
I don't know what either rate is. Haven't claimed the former for many years and i'm paid well above minimum wage. Just repeated what i read.
Could it be including other benefits you can get if long term sick? They didn't mean being off work...
And there in lies the problem. It's used for sickness benefits. I read yesterday, or the day before that there are nearly 3 million on the sick. Sick pay is too generous and over a year it's £3000 MORE than the minimum wage leading to people...
Given the number of stop and seizure electric bike owners are getting, i think it's time to ban them not register them. I get the impression that the majority of them are all vastly overpowered than is legal. The number of youtubers showing you...
DVLA have nothing to do with roads. What they do is in their name so until they change their name to Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency And Road Repairs, you can leave them out of the argument...
Same here, left Lode Lane 1977, arrived Ashurch, sat around for five years. Went orf to transition into an amulance in 1982. My V5 thinks that was when it was born. Fortunately Gaydon knows better!
And a Happy New Year to you.
When tracing the service record of my 101 i went to Merlin first and got pretty much everything that was available. BUT, given that it went to Ashurch storage in 1977 and only started it's service life as an ambulance...