Recent content by woo0003

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  1. W

    l322 td6 won’t start

    yeah, thank you. I've fitted a new inline pump now. and it's running so much better than before. I ended up replacing the bracket as well because it was rusted shut. I think I'm lucky that it's the secondary pump and not the in-tank one!
  2. W

    l322 broken brake servo?

    Ive just finished replacing the brake servo tonight. and it all seems to be working well. managed to bag a 2nd hand one on ebay for £30. definitely one of the bigger jobs I've attempted. I didn't need to bleed the brakes in the end as I bled the master cylinder separately on the bench before...
  3. W

    l322 broken brake servo?

    thank you
  4. W

    l322 broken brake servo?

    i’ve put a vacuum gauge on the inlet and it seems that the vaccum pump is sucking well. i also connected a vaccum pump on the other side of the check valve and it seems to be working. i also noticed that when the car is turned off witch vaccum in the system. you can hear a whooshing sound coming...
  5. W

    l322 broken brake servo?

    yeah. that’s my plan i think
  6. W

    l322 broken brake servo?

    yeah, I bought one. should be arriving tomorrow. I will first check the input and make sure that the vacuum pump is working well enough, after that I'll test the check valve. if that's all good then it must be the servo?
  7. W

    l322 broken brake servo?

    yeah. that's my though too, I just find it weird that if I'm driving for a while it seems to have vacuum pressure but it just doesnt regain it quickly. I own one of those little camera things and wonder wether I could put it through the inlet and check for any leaks? I assume that changing...
  8. W

    l322 broken brake servo?

    yes, I put a post on recently. I took the vacuum line off the servo and checked it and it seemed to have really good pressure. so I assume there isn't a leak in the line. is it safe to assume thet the servo has gone and should just change it. because surely a vacuum check valve failure would...
  9. W

    l322 broken brake servo?

    hi, my l322 td6 Range Rover acts as if the servo isn't holding pressure. it takes ages to build vacuum and I only get one assisted press of the brakes before they become practiacally useless. if I turn the car off it only takes a few seconds to lose vacuum. this makes me think its either a leak...
  10. W

    l322 td6 won’t start

    thanks for all your replies, I think I've finally figured it out. I took the cover for the inline fuel pump off. and discovered that when the car wouldn't start. the secondary fuel pump wasn't running. turns out the pump was the noise I could hear if the car did start. if it does it again. I...
  11. W

    l322 td6 won’t start

    so i’ve charged the battery overnight, and it started fine. i will run it for a bit and then see if it starts when hot. there was definitely and fuel pump sound that i couldn’t hear yesterday when started this morning. i assume the battery could of been too low for one of the fuel pumps or ecu...
  12. W

    l322 td6 won’t start

    hi, my 2003 l322 td6 won’t start seems like an electronic issue, as it has been intermittent. however now doesn’t start at all. whenever it does start. i can hear quite a noticeable buzzing/whirring noise when the ignition is on. i assume this is the fuel pump. i have scanned for codes...
  13. W

    l322 range rover braking issue

    thanks for that. i've done that test and It doesn't really behave normally. as the engine starts. it very briefly goes slightly softer before going rock solid again. if I leave it for 20 seconds or so. then I get a soft brake pedal again. but it will go hard after a single press. While doing...
  14. W

    l322 range rover braking issue

    hi, i have an 2002 l322 range rover td6 that is having braking problems, it seems like the brake booster is faulty or some other component. after the engine runs for a while. there is plenty of brake pressure. however as soon as the brakes are applied once it seems like it doesn’t regain brake...
  15. W

    air lock after sitting

    yeah, its in the right direction so the ball valve should work. that's why I think the leak is before the pump? I have mounted it on the underside of the frame upside down. would that make a difference? thanks