Recent content by TS2304

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  1. TS2304

    Windscreen Wiper switch question

    Mines always been single speed too since I’ve owned it and I’ve never got round to trying to rewire it. Was hoping you might have done the hard bit for me. ;-)
  2. TS2304

    Windscreen Wiper switch question

    Did you get this fixed?
  3. TS2304

    Any Series Owners in the Phoenix Area?

    I’d say slouch rather than crouch but then my posture’s terrible anyway! For me i don’t need to sit anything other than how I would normally. Just have the seat as far back as the runners allow and on long journeys you do need to stretch your legs. But then I do in the my ‘normal’ car too. I...
  4. TS2304

    Any Series Owners in the Phoenix Area?

    I’m 6’6 and happily drive my 109. But I am a beanpole. Brick sh1thouses might struggle more
  5. TS2304

    Series 3 Leafspring preload

    Should say I only changed the back ones. The fronts are for another day…
  6. TS2304

    Series 3 Leafspring preload

    When I did mine I loaded up the back with as much weight as I could til the chassis distance was roughly as per the book. Then drove about a while. Then tightened it all up. But with new springs being so variable I’m not sure the book distances are that valid any more so no idea if it was the...
  7. TS2304

    Series 3 Red top pattern fuel pump pressure

    The question is what devilry was the PO trying to cure when he stuck the screw there in the 1st place? Now it’s gone, 3 months down the road you’ll no doubt figure out what the bodge was trying to sort - just after you’ve forgotten you removed it :) Good sort tho.
  8. TS2304

    Series 3 smiths snail heater fan

    The heater bits are classed as an Optional Extra on my S3 and so the parts are in a supplements. Can’t remember exactly which one but think they are all available here: If you can’t see it let me know and I’ll dig out my hard copy and find the actual title.
  9. TS2304

    Shocking forum

    Sorry, and you are who exactly? What’s prompted this little tantrum of yours? It’s certainly not a description id recognise of this place which I’ve found nothing but helpful whenever I’ve been stuck. Each to their own tho I guess but why waste your time trolling a whole site? Odd.
  10. TS2304

    Chassis too high off springs?

    If it’s like mine it’ll be to fill up the space between the bush and the bolt holder. Either my bushes were too short or my bracket was too wide. Or they are meant to be like that and everyone has washers. And I got my clearance done by loading everything I owned into the back until the...
  11. TS2304

    Removal of oil bath air filter cartridge

    that page was from the 2.25 petrol. Diesel might be different. Tho thinking about it I don’t remember mine having a gasket either!
  12. TS2304

    Removal of oil bath air filter cartridge

    From the parts book if it helps... Mine's always come apart easily too..
  13. TS2304

    Lurching Series 3

    👍 glad you got it sorted.
  14. TS2304

    Lurching Series 3

    What carb have you got and when did you last give it a good clean? Mine acted similarly a time ago and servicing the carb fully sorted it out. then I put in a small inline fuel filter just before it enters the carb and haven’t had an issue since (well, not that issue anyway 😉).
  15. TS2304

    Series 3 What is this electrical component?

    My set up is a lot simpler. Just choke light connected to the cable switch. When you pull the cable the light comes on. When you push it back it goes off. So it’s lit when the choke is on no matter what temp the engine - just reminds you you have the choke on. You do still need the cable with...