I managed to sort it out just enough by ratchet strapping the left hand side in a bit then space out the striker. The squint tub is causing some slight alignment issues at the front but there's not a huge amount I can do about that, I've got the...
I had a similar issue with my station wagon body (LINK) where the gap had increased. I did ratchet strap it pull it back together but that only took it so far and then needed to space the latched out as well. Although I wasn't happy with it at...
So now that I've sorted the bulkhead as much as I can I've found that I've now got other issues. Due to the high winds my rear tub was (while sitting vertical) caught by the wind and seems to have been twisted. All was going well up to today when...
It did, needed the footwell brackets redrilled so it's as good as it'll get.
And aye I'm all good thank you, got a 2 year old son keeping me on my toes but you'll be pleased to know he loves land rovers and working on his cars.
Aye I've watched all his videos and they were of some help but I managed to (mostl
I got it sorted by redrilling the footwell brackets. I'm pretty sure it's because I've got a Shielder bulkhead as they don't get the greatest reputation. The...
The brackets that go between the chassis and the, umm, foot well area - there's two versions with the elongated holes at different rotations.
Have a look, and you'll see what I mean.
I had to swap the brackets on my 94 (I assume the original...
The only real fore and aft stiffness is in the door pillars - including the brackets for the long chassis bolts. I can only think that something on those isn't right.
I'd lift it off and find a rod that's a nice fit in the bolt tube and see if...
Brittanica guy had a video on YouTube about bulkhead alignment if I remember correctly. There is more to it than I thought there would be when I watched it, but the detail escapes me mate. I think the door cill runners had a bit to do with it and...
I've read up on absolutely everything I can regarding it but so far had no joy in finding a solution. I need to know if the bulkhead or tub is too low or vice versa and see if that's maybe causing part of the issue
The distance between the tub and the bulkhead at the bottom is spot on at about 882mm. The top however is too far too the rear so I need to tilt it forwards. I've looked off the bulkhead outrigger bolts, footwell to chassis bolts, and all the...
No amount of searching is getting me an answer to this please. Is anyone able to advise on a good way to align the bulkhead? I'm most of the way through a rebuild and I can't for the life of me tilt the bulkhead far enough forward to get the...