Recent content by Shogun243

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  1. Shogun243

    D2 - SLS woes

    Thanks Sierra, was hoping you'd spot this 😂 I was as gentle as possible and we checked after we found the issue and the casing of the body is undamaged as far as I can tell. We'll get another sent out and try again - 4th valve is the charm I guess!
  2. Shogun243

    D2 - SLS woes

    Back on this old subject again. Replaced the valve block with a used one which made the dropping occur more slowly but would still drop eventually. We ordered a "new" one from an aftermarket supplier and the same problem occurred - huge amounts of air from the seal on the back of the passenger...
  3. Shogun243

    Passenger Footwell Leak

    I assume my pre face-lift didn't receive the updated air plenum protector to divert weather, and paired with the perished seal strip was letting rain in. Now sorted!
  4. Shogun243

    Passenger Footwell Leak

    Late update, my apologies. The replacement rubber strip did the job - dry as a bone now. Linky:
  5. Shogun243

    D2 - SLS woes

    Afternoon team. Working on my old mans D2 today as the back end drops overnight to the bump stops. Airbags replaced a few months ago did not solve the issue, and the compressor itself packed up so that has also been replaced (compressor only, valve block remained). We obtained a used...
  6. Shogun243

    Passenger Footwell Leak

    Update: have bought 1.7m of generic windscreen trim from FleaBay for the massive price of £7. Will see if it fits!
  7. Shogun243

    Passenger Footwell Leak

    What a site, never knew so many profiles existed! One or two look promising, and £4 odd a metre is much more appealing. Anyone got any idea why mine is so short though? It's otherwise in good nick!
  8. Shogun243

    Passenger Footwell Leak

    Right team - after some time, I braved the elements and sat in the motor during rain this morning. The water is dripping off the side of the blower motor housing, and after some googling, it appears the rubber finishing strip along the top of the plenum where it touches the windscreen is short...
  9. Shogun243

    Passenger Footwell Leak

    Cheers team. I'll check behind that foam then - the fella that did my head lining advised I remove it and check for rot in that very place!
  10. Shogun243

    Passenger Footwell Leak

    Hi folks, not long had both sunroofs resealed and new headliner cloth fitted, which has finally resolved the endless ingress of water from both - very chuffed. Annoyingly, the water has fathomed a new route: passenger Footwell. Bit of heavy rain over the last 40 days and 40 nights and in my...
  11. Shogun243

    LLandrillo - Wayfarer

    Morning all, I'm in Llandrillo until Sunday with my Disco and am wondering if there are any nearby folks willing to show me the ropes on the Wayfarer lane. I'm a frequent visitor to the area but have never braved it - worth noting the old girl is on road tyres at present so also, is it passable...
  12. Shogun243

    Disco 2 Air Suspension Woes

    Update: both rear bags replaced, problem now solved. Oddly, it appears both bags were not able to retain pressure past a height point an inch or so below standard road height. Sitting lovely now, haven't fitted the pump refurb kit yet either! Cheers all.
  13. Shogun243

    Disco 2 Air Suspension Woes

    Not yet Sierra, sadly weather and time haven't permitted. On inspection the bags are a bit ropey and I know it's a 5 year service item anyway, one less thing to worry about!
  14. Shogun243

    Disco 2 Air Suspension Woes

    Arse is now flat on the ground! Two new Dunlop bags on the way, plus clips! Will park it up for now until I can get the bags changed!
  15. Shogun243

    Disco 2 Air Suspension Woes

    Update: got under the grotty mare this weekend and have replaced both rear level sensors, no change. Will fit the pump refresh kit next, any other suggestions whilst the credit card is out?