Recent content by ozzyboydeano

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  1. O

    Does this sound like the crank pulley? D2 TD5

    not being stupid but does the noise change or disapear if you pour water over the belt is it the correct size belt ? is it in good condition ? when was the last time the belt was removed and bearings checked ? if you think its a harmonic issiue mark it with a white marker does it move much by hand
  2. O

    15P TD5 cutting out

    sounds like boost creep when adjusting waste gates or playing with turbo configarations a boost gauge is needed or a map KPA reading under all loads and gears please guys dont just geuss on thread counts then hope for the best ps dont also be lazy when installing a boost gauge you need to...
  3. O

    Rough idle, sudden misfire during cruising and hesitation

    yes on the 8 bar no T peice just saying your true rail preassure is read from the outlet at the head with a T peice and not at the fuel temp sensor location either anyways to low of a fuel pressure you would also experiance some sort of diesel knock ?
  4. O

    TD5 race studs - torque spec?

    you have basically answered your own question by accidently it performs better lower boost accidentally you mean less HOT air pumping into the engine .... more boost means more heat less dense .. the intercooler can only do so much an some what limited and the turbo also has a AR ratio also...
  5. O

    Defender td5 water pump cover

    if you have over filled the oil then yes if you are are on even ground or engine not not level for other reasons.... yes you will loose some oil ..... but there is no harm in catching it into a clean container either
  6. O

    Power steering fluid leak

    you seem to to things in reverse me persaonally would pressure check the coolant system thats if its a coolant leak
  7. O

    Power steering fluid leak

    instead of letting it drip onto porous concrete try placing bucket this way you can see if its oil or coolant if you suspect coolant pressure test the coolant system
  8. O

    Defender td5 water pump cover

    opening the bonnet can also be just a hard job on its own for some depending where the leak is? moving things out the way is part of the game my friend some people like to struggle while others dont just wait untill you have to replace an oil cooler ps the spinner is only held on with a 3...
  9. O

    pressure reg

    its funny becouse this aftermarket never came in a fancy box as it was on the car when i bought it any ways lasted from early 2012 to early 2019 it only developed a slight weep out the hole ..... pressure was still good 4 bar .....i could of just left in in place an extra drop of diesel...
  10. O

    pressure reg

    i know it was an aftermarket one the orings where not the issiue in my case it weeped fuel internally meaning fuel coming out the tell tail so no need to replace the hole housing ps i have a preasure gauge installed in the correct place while using no issiues there
  11. O

    Engine problem

    if you dont have a diagnostic tool pour water over the crank sensor to cool it down
  12. O

    pressure reg

    isnt this the fuel preassure regulator ?? there are numbers on the top unsure if this a Bosch one..... but it had been in the since 2012 it devoloped slight leak out the tell tail in 2019
  13. O

    pressure reg

    i am not also here to high jack a thread but do you have a sample of both gaskets to compare ?
  14. O

    pressure reg

    did you notice in the fuel pressure reg there is gallerys and ports???? ...keep this in mind if you need to measure head pressure in case of future issues ...... many may get false readings measuring pressure at the temp sensor location
  15. O

    pressure reg

    glad you got it sorted thats a very good tip to have a stud ..i will do this next time just out of curiosity did you find much debri in the gauze ?