Loudly crying, if you try it. You will be deaf and Plod will give you a ticket.
Straight through suits a turbocharged unit because the exhaust gas as it passes through the turbo gets smoothed out resulting in less of a bang.
Read in one of the forums someone with a diesel series 2 with a straight through exhaust.
any advantages/disadvantages in doing this ?
wondered what it would sound like lol maybe a tractor 🤣🤣🤣
8 seconds is good not a problem mine took much longer , trick is to keep it turning until it starts proper foot fully down on accelerator pedal to get the air in cylinders to get it compressed
even in the milder months it still requires about 30 seconds , so looking forward to trying the turning the engine over before the pre heat in the summer 🤞🤞🤞
When cold I find it is good to turn engine over for 2/3 seconds before giving heat. This puts some fresh fuel vapour in the combustion chambers to warm up.
i disconnected the battery early december.
it sat in the garage for about 6 weeks .
reconnected the battery gave it about 40 seconds on pre heat (very cold day about -2) .
it sounded like it wasn't going to start then it sort of grumbles into...
I'm a new battery for my 1964 series 2a diesel .
struggling even after pre heating for 40 seconds in this weather.
looking at quality rather than ££££'s