Thanks, that makes sense. It looks like, as you say, if you take off the interior trim cover over the wiper motor that should reveal fixing screws, Will wait for warmer weather!
Stereo slot access needs fingers like ET. Clips are too firm to get a blade in.
I thumped the clock, as per other postings here - the light came on - sorted…!
I am learning the LR way of fixing things: I kept getting an alarm that screenwash...
I did not realise you were in Europe. I had planned to drive from France to 'recommended installer by appointment, stay in an hotel while the job was done, 2 nights max. Or you can remove the box, put it on a pallet and ship it to Ashcroft's
Unless you are towing or off roading I wouldn't bother with the HP24, just gave the one I had away.
There are 3 versions of the HP24 plus early and late. The late version uses the same casing as the HP22. Mark has just discovered that the input...
The great thing about the v8 is that a quick burst down the road and you're down below the filler neck. Any spilled evaporates nicely too. I had a hell of job getting all the diesel out of mine.
Also I've failed to tighten the nut on the ball joint enough.. my long spanners only go up to 18mm.. bigger are regular length so it's not drivable right now.. more than manoeuvres.. I've not damaged the thread but it feels like it
I had to do this recently as the rear wiper motor failed so I swapped it for one from a breaker. I'm not sure that I understand what problem the OP is having. It's just as it says in RAVE. You flip up the cover over the nut then get a spanner on...
I’ll leave well alone, move the arm to vertical position, and tidy up the bits i can then reach (which is most of the arm).
It’s one of those mysteriously inaccessible items on Planet P38, like changing the clock bulb. Now that one really is the...
Yes, here's where the other brake pedal switch goes. But neither brake switch is required to close for ABS & TC lights to go out when moving off from standstill.
Hello everyone!
I'll update you a bit with my work, I opened the actuator to clean the sludge from the coil and the tracks, I cut the 7 contacts. There was dirt between the coil and the stator that rotates with the actuator pin and the movement...
Ratchet ring spanner perhaps? Sometimes helps to press down where the hinge is after removing the nut to take the tension off the wiper and allow it to wiggle off the spindle.
From quite a number of hours of research on the proshaft phasing topic:
In phase being where the u joints line up with each other like the rear driveshaft does.
-All genuine LR front driveshafts for the P38 have the u joints set slightly out of...
Finally got round to doing this job, you were right it was very awkward, looking at RAVE its a 20 minute job which isnt the case! Even with the wheel arch liner removed it was still a pain but doable!!! I only had one hose so my P38 is obviously...
Operate the wiper and in mid swing open the boot lid it that helps? The wiper will stop instantly in its position when the button is pressed on the boot👍