yeah, I bought one. should be arriving tomorrow. I will first check the input and make sure that the vacuum pump is working well enough, after that I'll test the check valve. if that's all good then it must be the servo?
I don't know the answer to your questions as I have never experienced the problem. Personally I would be looking for bad connections in the power line from the under bonnet fuse box and bad earths.
Autodoc has popped up a few times when I've been searching for parts for the L322. There has always been something about it that didn't sit right , so I never ordered. Starting to think I was best to not have.
Technical name is "vent hose that always comes off". Mine are both the same !!
Any spiral vent hose should do. Measure the size of the outlet on the lower panel to see what's needed, and then one slightly longer so it's easier to fit.
Rear screen relay is in BECM as you say, but front has two relays in engine fusebox. I would suspect connection issue from HEVAC output to the BECM. Maybe bung an inline fuse thingy in place of F12 & see if the current changes with the...
The ticking may sound like it's from under the dash but actually be coming from under the seat, pin pointing a noise source like that can be difficult.
Thanks for the rapid response. Yes I already tried the good speakers on the left (distorted side) and it’s not duff speaker/s but hadn’t checked the connectors in the A pillar. Just had a look and 3 or 4 pins are showing signs of corrosion...
I drove her over the hill and far away. Ok not that far away, about 30 miles. BUT she started with ease every time I had to go do something. I know it's foolhardy but i feel so confident in her starting, I've actually gone on standby. o_O🙏
getting the connections wrong won't make any distortion, but it will sound 'flat' as the phase is off (cone moves in when the other cone moves out). if you have moved the door amp and the issue doesnt move, have you moved the speaker? it could be...
Done some more investigation into the failure of the fob receiver that's under the headlining.. it's obviously got very hot, the marks are where melted plastic from the box have transferred onto the circuit board
Only had one experience with AutoDoc & it will not be repeated :(
Ordered a transmission service kit for my old 5 series but the filter wasn't correct & when I tried to get AD to replace the item they refused due the filter being 'part of a...