I have documents that I am sure are for the Brembo setup (they call it High performance). Not sure what the need for diagnostics as it seems like a conventional type of bleed procedure.
Also torque for caliapers and disc, If 1 side has be done...
Wow, unfortunate for your and sorry for your loss☹️
The bleeding procedure on that model is a similar affair to most vehicles but I have seen something that contradicts that... There are some bods in here that can clear this up for you👍
You have to get it on a pallet, empty of all fluids, and strapped down, and when you're ready they send a courier to get it. Took about 24hrs I think.
I had to rent an engine crane to get mine out, and you need a tall one too because of the...
I had mine rebuilt by V8 Developments last year. I was happy with them. They do a replace service where you take your engine out, they send you a new one, and you send your old engine back. They then use that to re-build for the next customer...
I've been thinking.. as you do.. we think of cheap parts that don't last long as false economy.. but when you add it up using man math.. it's not been on long enough to seize up so easier to replace 🤔
I have done it wrong
I bypassed the relay and the pump does work.
I now find that because of all the messing about the battery has gone flat so it's now on charge.
Hopefully when I follow the correct procedure I will get the car to...
The whole car went live as the water entered the becm. It burnt the two rear door locks, the fuel cap lock, emptied the screen wash and nearly burnt the heavy live to the battery while the starter was screaming it's t#ts off... All while the key...
And a good set of mud pluggers... Well, for the situation I was in🤭
I take it to a couple of land-rover weekends through the year and only ever let the Tyres down to 18psi and it amazes me everytime 👌😎👍
The P38 often does more than the owner is willing to try, As does the L322. They are pretty capable, when they work:oops:.
Dont worry the ground will turn slimey and the fender will get its camo back :D.
Arrrr, you got snow🙁
We've just got mud... And slimey it is... Nearly got stuck twice at the weekend on an incline out in the middle of nowhere 🤣
Got it through with pedal powwwweeeeerrrr and splattering mud everywhere 👌😎