My question is and without knowing any better.
Doesn't the ecu read the sensors and then tell the driver pack to adjust accordingly?
If so would looking at the ecu first be more productive my good man. 🤔 Mine does this same thing occasionally 😶
A good friend of mine in the UK when I lived there ran a back street repair shop specialising in Volvo's. The local main dealer would send the older models to him and even some of the newer stuff when they couldn't fix the problem.
What I've seen , since being told they "don't have anyone trained on 'older' models but the guy who knows about them, as a hobby, works on a Friday" , is that the older guys are mainly in the parts dept. these days. I have rarely seen anyone over...
Today im preparing my D3 for a trip to NSW national parks .
There will be mild off road experience but plenty of flora and forna .
I think im luckey where i live ( a small costal village near Bundaberg Qld Austrlia) ther is a surfing beach 100...
Unless I didn't see you standing with us my mate while we were talking to a land-rover dealer.
Only two things in your paragraph you can vouch for as experience and the rest is possibly surmised unless you have other experience you can share😜
We had this told to us by a dealer here in France. They don't have the trained personnel to work on older stuff.. We were asked if we knew our way around the older models at our garage. 🤯
The charge is not to do with the Warranty, it is to push you to the Indie because they regard anything over 3yrs as old. They don't have people trained to work on 'old' cars. I was told this when I took mine , at that time 8yrs old to my local...
Omg!! There is progress!!!
The frigging rf receiver is not near the sunroof it's near the tailgate!!
Never mind! It's replaced and now i go through and test the keys. Green all the way!! Add both new keys...
Key 1 successfully programmed...
That can be anything from a bad connection, the D+ goes via the BECM, to worn brushes. Worn brushes being the most likely. A new regulator assembly from Mobiletron is the way to go if it's brushes.
Walked past her and thought " I'm either dumb or it's love". Friend was complaining yesterday that her garage started work on her car for MoT without saying what it would cost. Well that's not on BUT she then said I'd sooner get rid if it isn't...
It'll only choose extanded mode if the vehicle thinks in real difficulty like being high centered. You might want to check the underside plastics if you've experienced extended mode😜
Over-landed the RRS Auto 5.0… had to do it once to see what she was made of. It was better than advertised. Only complaint, need to be able to lock in extended height mode indefinitely to keep from having to reactivate b/w obstacles.