If the Fob is not synchronised it will not work. With EKA and immobiliser turned off, the key blade will work as long as it fits the lock and the door lock micro switches are in working order.
Given that it's a 1995 car, and might have an earlier BECM, it's probably worth trying Kieth's settings.
Disable both Immo & EKA using diagnostic, and then make sure you successfully write settings. Then lock & unlock the car using the FOB...
That is how I run both mine, it means that access and starting with the key blade is always possible if the FOB fails, although if locked with the FOB and unlocked with the blade, a lock unlock cycle with the blade may be needed. I did this...
Personally I would not put WD40 anywhere near the slider. Plus Gas to free it if it doesn't want to come apart, clean it up, apply a thin smear of high temperature grease. WD40 goes all sticky.
There have been so many posts about DTCs related to the inhibitor/gear position switch on the 6HP26 transmissions recently, that I thought I would try a quick and dirty test to see if I could measure the switch in operation just using tools many...
Its only like a standard disc setup and a standard drum setup together. So nothing special.
The handbrake is adjusted through a little hole in the face of the drum part visible once the wheel is removed.
Dont unwind the handbrake to much...
I've got a syringe with a bit of tube over the end and the needle fitted in the other end of that tube. Great for sucking diesel out of the injector Wells.
try running a ground wire from relay connection (BP) to eliminate the ECU SIGNAL,if this cures the problem then you will have to trace the BP wire back to the ECU.but also check relay connection on fuse box for tight fitment,this can be checked...
Thanks for this. It is certainly a path I can tread if my willpower breaks. TBH, I had it running last week (although it wanted to die at stops/traffic lights) so maybe a few runs around the locality will tell me enough. There is nothing I...
I think we are both singing from the same hymn sheet here, in perfect harmony!! 🤣 🤣
As for the timing, as you have now got it going @DanClarke, get it warmed up then take it to a quiet place away from people you could annoy.
Unlock the dizzy...
Hi Roberto ! I live in the middle Italy, Umbria, Perugia near Trasimeno lake😁
your engine was dead and you didn't know it 🤣. upload some photos we are curious 😁
Oh sugar, iv just been out too a l230 facelift, it would only power the dash for a few seconds if the hazard light switch was pressed and only the lights worked on the car, sometimes the stop start button would light up and it was a canbus wire...
Most "35 inch" tyres are less than 35". Not sure where your figures are from. But as an example...
This is pretty standard, as 31.10.50 would be 30.5" tall, a 33.12.50 would be 32.5" tall.
What is your intended use and do you use the step on...
As your looking at the engine bay from the front of the car it's deep down on the right hand side bulk head. You lose a bit of coolant when you swop it out but it's not a drama
Where does pin 18 come from?
I have always thought the cranksensor was a single point failure (i could be mislead) but if you have spark, i dont think its that.
I would need to check, but not sure it gives "out" a voltage more a signal.
I only have a small and insignificant update (something my wife often complains about). ;)
Throttle & Choke cables were attached (in the rain). :(
Car starts OK, no identifiable petrol leaks or overflows, so the basics must be OK. :)
I did get...
Rear pads changed. Front ones have loads of meat left. Unfortunately the rain stopped me bleeding them. The Met Office app fails again. I've had enough of lying on my back in the cold and wet. It can damn well wait.