More info on the Disco here:
More info on Rhino Charge and our (lack of) progress here...
I’ll take a decent picture, but it does go from a tab on the other side of that one you have marked to the inlet manifold, yes. Just to add to the fun, I’m running a RPi Engineering ignition system (and a big K&N). I am in the process of adding...
Full blown twin, batt setup on the car, and until the belt pinged off, the batts were both seeing 14.1V. 12.7V with the engine off.
Here she is…
More info here...
The cone is part of the vacuum assy of the distributor ignition system, don't know what the green tube is though ...
As the proud and happy owner of Mr H's previous resto, christened 'Little Blue', I'll be following with interest! 150 faultless miles across Wales yesterday, and still smiling.
Here we go…
Probably a bit close to the alternator housing, but I pushing it back with my fingers.
It appears to move around, without moving the windings. Out of interest, what does the cone with the green tube at the bottom of the picture...
It’s a 3.9l EFi with a serpentine belt running around the water pump, fan, power steering and alternator, so the steering going very heavy was the give away. I turned around and immediately found the belt on the trail, in unmarked condition...
The bracket shown is ETC5576 for mounting an alternator on a V8 carburettor engine.
My 3.9 has a serpentine belt so in that area there is a power steering pump mounted with a small alloy bracket...
the stud bolt is a normal right hand thread, the bolt on the roller is left hand thread. crack the left hand thread while the tensioner is still on the engine when you come to change the bearing....
Good question Discool. It left with a diesel engine (as the rad is still TDi) but currently has a 3.9 V8 EFi.
It is running an upgraded PSC Motorsports power steering system, which might be causing it Marjon, good call!
An auto box should not be able to stall an engine.
If the engine stalls when the power steering is in use the it’s an engine issue, or idle setting.
A Discovery Sport automatic gearbox overheating, so it looks like your focusing on an iffy temp sensor, is that a guess or a certainty? as it also could include leaks in the lines or a malfunctioning cooling fan; all of which prevent the...
Changing the one on my TD5 was a right sod, but then I chose not to empty the sump first. Putting the new one in at arm's length through the little access port under the wheel arch, it got very slippy!!
No ramp, obvs!;) 🤣
TDi or petrol Grace?
White smoke is coolant in the engine, so what does the filler cap look like? Any ‘milkshake’? Or the dipstick looking ‘odd’, ie anything more than clean dark oil on it?
I know you said it wasn’t like your D2 blowing it’s...
Warm welcome Glenn!
I would get some steel rims, the same size and some MT tyres and a portable compressor. Lower those pressures when going properly off road.
I have an autobox on a 3.9 EFI v8 Discovery Mk1 with a secondhand looking ‘T’ auto selector (button on driver’s side of the T). I have been given a much better one from a D2 (round head with a button at the front). Before I take the old one...