Recent content by Happyhippo

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  1. Happyhippo

    L-series oil leak

    Hi Andy Yes there is an oil return from the turbo at the back of the engine which drains into the sump but no sign of a leak there. Leak seems to be from the top of the engine. Even had me testing the bolt torque on the cam cover and manifolds. I’m thinking oil could be leaking from a turbo oil...
  2. Happyhippo

    L-series oil leak

    Hi Grumpy I’m aware of the runaway risk and have a large cloth handy to stuff in the intake. As for the leak, it’s difficult to see where it’s coming from but oil is running down the back of the engine, maybe from the breather. A little bit of oil goes a long way! The reason I posted was that I...
  3. Happyhippo

    L-series oil leak

    Hi guys It’s been a while since I’ve posted on ere’ and that’s because my hippo has been no problem. I have just clocked up 170k miles from new but fitted a brand new crated engine at 138k. Problem now is that the engine has developed a significant oil leak. When I say significant it looks much...
  4. Happyhippo

    Oil feed pipe part no.

    Yep that’s the one. Was £12.9gbp when I first looked. Still need to know if it is the correct part no for L-series Freelander tho’
  5. Happyhippo

    Oil feed pipe part no.

    Part no. I’ve been given is actually LQP100580. Trouble is Rimmers are asking £45GBP inc. vat for a bit of bent brake pipe about 300mm long.
  6. Happyhippo

    Oil feed pipe part no.

    Hi Grumps I’m not sure it is correct. I got the part no. from enlarging a picture of the item and its label on eBay. That’s why I wanted to find the correct part no. I’m not sure why I’m that bothered apart from the oil drips. Also I can’t help thinking that if that 1/4” pipe fractures it will...
  7. Happyhippo

    Oil feed pipe part no.

    Hi Folks I’m hoping that someone on here has access to an exploded diagram of my engine and ancillaries. I’m looking for the part no. for the vacuum pump oil feed pipe for a 2000my Freelander 1 XEDi. This pipe screws into the main engine oil gallery and supplies the vacuum pump. A part no has...
  8. Happyhippo

    L-series alternator renewal

    Hello again! This saga is not yet finished! I’m still getting oil drips on my paving. Although I changed the vacuum pump from my reconditioned alternator for that which was fitted to my old alternator which didn’t leak but apparently does now. It isn’t a big problem which is why I’ve not...
  9. Happyhippo

    Freelander 1 L-series ignition switch bevel

    Thanks for your replies guys. Now you’ve confirmed there is a bulb in there somewhere I can go mining for it! Once I’ve removed the engine and dashboard I’ll report back!
  10. Happyhippo

    Freelander 1 L-series ignition switch bevel

    This question pertains to a 2000my car which I’ve owned from new. I seem to remember that the transparent bevel round the ignition switch keyhole used to light up to help you locate the slot for the key. It seems to have stopped doing this. I will be grateful if someone could let me know if...
  11. Happyhippo

    L-series alternator renewal

    Thanks Nodge I’ll attack the job with renewed enthusiasm now that I know I can just unbolt the vac pump. I thought it likely that they had a common shaft. I just need to order a new Continental drive belt!
  12. Happyhippo

    L-series alternator renewal

    Thanks Nodge for taking the trouble to respond. Much appreciated! Is the pulley on a taper or will it just pull off a parallel shaft? I think I’ll wait for warmer weather until I tackle this. I just hope the oil doesn’t get transferred along the shaft to the business end of the alternator!
  13. Happyhippo

    L-series alternator renewal

    If I were the type to fling spanners about at every Land Rover glitch my tool kit would have long ago been emptied! I must get a T-shirt with the slogan “Land Rover, making mechanics of their customers for more than 70 years” However another chapter in this sorry saga! I now find that there is...
  14. Happyhippo

    L-series alternator renewal

    Just to round off this saga. It turns out the od of oil feed pipe to the vacuum pump is 1/4” or 6.3mm. The thread on the fittings is metric fine or 10mm x 1.25. I had both tap and die and was able to repair the damaged threads. I obtained a length of 1/4” Kunifer re-used the old pipe nuts...
  15. Happyhippo

    L-series alternator renewal

    I’ve been suffering a plague of electrical problems for the last few weeks along with the battery regularly needing to be charged. Eventually I tested the alternator output to find there was none. At least only enough to extinguish the dashboard light. I know most l-series owners will not have...