What I don't think that anyone has mentioned, is that another effect of direct injection is that the torque "pulse" from each cylinder firing is much sharper than with indirect injection.
This, I believe, is why so many people have wrecked...
The older Land rover diesels are indirect injection, fuel is injected into a precombustion chamber, flame then travels through a hole into the head/piston chamber. This results a less harsh detonation [ NOISE ] Tdi's have direct injection...
I did see a video clip of someone making adapter plates for the Perkins Prima in their back yard.
Rough as **** and hardly good engineering.
Used lots of short lengths of all thread fixed between two thick steel plates.
Then they wrapped a piece...
As early as that.
I suppose that I could always contact firms that actually sold conversion kits and ask for exact dates.
I can only think of two, and I think that they're both still in business
I just wanted to find out if a series vehicle could have been running a V8 40 years ago.
Although I bought my first Land Rover around 1984, my memory of when I first noticed a V8 powered example is a bit fuzzy.
I don't want to say too much, but...
663/664 seems to ring a bell.
It's certainly a great big bugger.
Tomorrow I'll take a good look.
I extended my original 2A battery tray to series three diesel size shortly after purchasing the vehicle.
I used to consider that Yuasa made the...
Like it says.
Can anyone give me the approximate date when the first V8 to series gearbox conversion kits went on sale please ?
I'm aware that the U.S. Rover importers had a V8 converted 88 running almost as soon as Rover started building the...
Do check the voltage out put of your alternator, re my post above. Some years ago a mate's car was going through battery's every few months I tested his alternator at usual driving revs and it was putting out 18 to 22v!
My Landy like yours is...