Had the same problem, had to cut them a bit to fit them stuck em in with Tigerseal. Never coming off.
Did the front vent seals the same way, nae leaks and I live in the wettest part of the known universe.
I had a straight through on for a year only cos I was too tight to buy a pipe and I live in the middle of nowhere
Anyway don’t do it, it’s a bastard racket, itll do your head in I had to wear chainsaw ear muffs to cope wi it after a month or two
An Update: the ballast resistor was shagged and the wire to the ignition was fried. Replaced both along with a new set of glow plugs and wiring and alls well, fires straight up. Thanks for the tips guys 👍
the pic looks ok apart from the wire colours the two thin ones go to the bulb, and a fat Brown/red supplies the 12v on yours it looks black
when you turn key to heat i would expect to see 12v on the black dropping to 6-7volts on the red , you...
when the key is turned to the heat position I was getting 12 v out the red wire hence my suspicion the resistors knackered, I’ll get it out tomorrow and test it. Hopefully that’s what it is 😬
Here’s the ballast resistor, the new plugs went in exactly as per the old series wiring. Power to the first plug is via the red cable will remove the whole thing tomorrow and get a look. I measured 12V coming out the red wire into the first plug...
Aye it’s either or at the minute, both have benefits right enough.
Original plan was to just replace the series as they’ve lasted fine since 1976.
Will need to get the resistor out an see if it’s bolloxed, might be the source of all this
Thanks Steve, that’s v useful and looks exactly like what I’ve done!
Here’s a pic of the new plugs I got, I’ve taken them out this morning and tested them across a battery and none heat up. I think they’ve been fried as I measured 12v going into...
The ballast resistor should lower the voltage from 12v to a lot less maybe 6-7 volts , the 6v heater plug bulb only needs an earth and that 6v to glow , each subsequent plug gets a lower voltage then the one near front needs to be earthed
I’ve just checked the old plugs by connecting them across the battery, individually, and they’re all knackered. Makes me wonder if they’ve all been fried as have the new ones . Ballast resistor knackered?
1976 Series 3 Diesel, Series connected glow plugs.
No glow plug light the other morning and plugs not heating so I replaced them with a new set of pigtails and left them wired in series. I also replaced the wiring.
Still no glow plug light but...