Recent content by DSK Defender 90

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  1. D

    Side lights and starter post new radio instllation

    Thank you both. In summary I need to transform C381 to C072 for the rear heated window. Only the white/green trace can be used, so I need to splice an earth, 12v feed and illuminator wire to make up the rest of the pins ?
  2. D

    Side lights and starter post new radio instllation

    Thanks. I suspected there was a need for additional wiring (eg earth) but just wanted to confirm on this forum.
  3. D

    Side lights and starter post new radio instllation

    Installed a new central console and double din unit using 300tdi loom. bad new is that side lights and engine not starting now although can hear the relay switch clicking. Main beam and other electrics work and also, fuses and battery all look good. Any obvious places to check / investigate...
  4. D

    Heart break - may need a replacement engine for my 90 !

    Verdict. engine locked-out with severe oil and collant leakage which hasn't helped. Replacement engine and turbo on order. I hope this transforms my '90' !
  5. D

    Heart break - may need a replacement engine for my 90 !

    Thanks Turboman. It's a 300 TDi (2500cc). I clearly need to speak directly to the mechanic again as it was a brief conversation that spelt out doom and gloom in the first instance. I will push to understand more, as I've only shared the 'headline'
  6. D

    Heart break - may need a replacement engine for my 90 !

    My Defender 90 decided to ground to a halt with mechanical failure on Xmas Eve and my local garage just informed me that the "engine has locked and it needs to be replaced". I need to have a F2F meeting with the mechanic, but would welcome other's experiences and options / suggestions please...