Great news. Went to hospital yesterday for colonoscopy. Camera right up to where splice is from tumour removal and all clear . NO signs of cancer only a non cancerous polyp found and that was removed. Slept a lot better last night :vb-angel1...
I have used stainless braided tap flexies as oil cooler pipes lasted about 30 years only changed as one had worn through rubbing against the battery tray on my Cortina.
i have never purchased or heard of 15mm imperial olives always just use standard ones, 5/8 is slightly bigger than 15mm so the pipe may not fit in the fitting but the fitting could be machined to fit, it should take the pressure no problem as the...
Do remember to not take the nut all the way off when you tug and yank at the wheel to get it of as trips to the dentist are eggspensive, or you could take it off and video it for us all to laugh at:vb-biggrin:
I would not go by the service interval, i would change the oil and filters at half the mileage, they are very expensive bits of kit to replace and fresh oil can do no harm, and judging by some of the modern engine horror storeys with wear and oil...
Replaced the b*st*rd leak off pipe to #1. Seems cutting the end off lasted about a day. Those leak off pipes appear to be single use and harden in the heat. Once fitted you can't disturb them without having to replace them.
Cleaned the engine...
valve processing with abrasive paste. On the left, unmachined seats and valves, on the right, seats and valves ground with coarse and fine abrasive paste. Good night
Been doing other jobs distracting me from the car (that I was dreading) but here's the update.
Milliput failed due to frosty weather not letting it set and lack of plusgas (for fear it would stop the Milliput sticking) so the Milliput popped off...