Hi. When it clicks and works the dash light's up. But when its not working the relay clicks, but the dash does not light up.
I'm sure I have the wipac relay fitted already, need to check as it's been a while.
Gents, I need help with intermitant flashing indicators and where else to look for the fault.
So status is, indicator stalk in left or right position. I can here the relay clicking, but the dashboard light does not come on, neither do the car...
Ok great thanks gents. Last noddy question. How easy and how do you get the cable through the wiper connection , gear spindal itself, I'm slightly panicking as need to get fixed tomorrow as booked for offroad 4x4 day Saturday. Any step by step...
So silly question. Why would they go from the parked position to the vertical and not back again if the cable is broken, as surely to make that happen it would be a pull from the cable. Hence if broken it could not do it.
Gents help!.
Driving to work this morning the wipers suddenly stopped work. 1986, defender 90.
I can here the motor working still but no movement.
If I move them back to the parked position and then turn them on they do move all the way one...