thanks for all the support, I can confirm both are 88 degree stamped on them. I have tried them both this morning on the kitchen hob and both open perfectly and not faulty. Il refit and do an idle run up with cap of tank and see if there’s been...
Thanks for messages and support. Yes I can confirm it’s the correct way round 👍 il continue to monitor it and try get the engine up to temp to open the thermostat, was kind of hoping I would of seen this by now, especially with laptop connected...
I’ve tried 2 new ones just to make sure I didn’t have a faulty one. Il try one with the 3 mile drill to the body. Will also help if I can get the engine coolant temp above 88 to open it.
Ok thanks Freddie, the mod has worked, and gauge at 12 o clock, my concern was just that I’ve not seen any flow back to expansion tank, and even this morning drive I can’t get temp above 88 degree to even open the inline mod. She’s been running...
Hello, so just an update, complete a good drive this morning, gauge up to half as expected but thermostat on top hose has still not opened, and still nothing to expansion tank. Linked my diagnostic whilst driving and coolant temp would not...
Just add, even last night night when it was fully up to half way temp and blowers red hot there was still no flow at all to expansion tank , however when I squeeze hose I could see the red flow again so I’m a bit mythed, could this cause damage...
Thanks , no about to do a 15 mile round trip so will check once home, the gauge has been sitting at half every time now which is good as I’ve not had heat before and don’t have heated screen. I double checked before install and it’s defo the...
Hello all, looking for some support after buying a freelander 2005 manual TD4. For the last week I’ve noticed the temp not getting up to half and cold air on the blowers, to help the issue I have installed the modification of the inline Renault...