1. Paskman

    Search D2

    I got my Landmark from the for sale section on LRO. 52,000 and £7600 - 18 months ago. It went online on a Friday, I saw it first thing Saturday. 2 people booked to see it on the Sunday, I drove 200 miles straight away and snapped it up there and then. You have to be quick, very quick!!!!!!
  2. Paskman

    Greetings from Austin, Tx USA

    Good luck, you'll need it.....
  3. Paskman

    Hi from South Africa

    Confirms my opinion that Discos are better looking than Suzukis.........
  4. Paskman

    Advice on Defender Purchase

    I would guess it depends what you want it for?
  5. Paskman

    300 Tdi Disco at last

    Hi, nice Disco.
  6. Paskman

    Hello, green newbie, advice requested (Defender 90ish)

    Have you and your wife driven a Defender yet?
  7. Paskman

    A complete land rover virgin

    LOL. even changing a light bulb on mine involves a sheared bolt and having to drill it out.........new rear wiper blade? Remove the wheel.........
  8. Paskman

    In the market for a disco - td5

    A good 60%+ of the horsey set down my way use TD5s, Shotguns actually towing are getting like hens teeth. So I think you're on the right lines.
  9. Paskman


    D2s rule the roost
  10. Paskman

    Late Discovery 2 or Early 3

    Is a "caravan tower" multi storey? Seriously get a late 2, problems ironed out etc.
  11. Paskman

    A New Landy Owner with a Project

  12. Paskman

    A New Landy Owner with a Project

    Hi and good luck on both fronts. Looks like moded Series 3 to me.
  13. Paskman

    Student Looking For Land Rover Advice

    Having read the replies here, I know I am in the right forum. Shame the OP isn't! Good luck anyway with your project.....
  14. Paskman

    Hello from Essex

    Hello, very nice motor :-)
  15. Paskman

    Towing issues

    Easy; just keep towing, without the caravan on the back. Sorted :-)
  16. Paskman

    About time I said hello

    Do you live in Australia?
  17. Paskman


    Must be Rich to own those two :-)
  18. Paskman

    Hi, thought it a good time to introduce myself

    Last picture- earning its keep, just as Landies should. First horse show of the year for us.
  19. Paskman

    From the photos what is this worth you think?

    Lot 350 for me :-)