1. R

    Disco Bobtail

    ayup pal, is the engine edc or mechanical ? was it a auto or manual ? cheers:)
  2. R

    Body lift issue?

    yeah thats the one ive got but there is a square one aswell like you say so i will have to try and get my hands on one thanks:)
  3. R

    Chav Laning....

    love the look of the red disco, very smart !!:)
  4. R

    Body lift issue?

    thanks, do you no if both shafts were off a disco or was one off anther land rover like a defender, i hope there is an easy solution because i dont want to mess about with spacing the shaft in one way or another would be nice to just fit a longer splined uj, cheers rob
  5. R

    Body lift issue?

    ayup mate, did you have any joy with the steering shaft, ive just done a 2 inch lift on mine and its about 10mm too short its started on the spline just not enough:mad:, too start with i just slackened off the bolts but it was stretching the rubber donut thingy, any help will be much appreciated...
  6. R

    Does the Disco Die?

    looks a really well kept disco, fix it up and enjoy!!:cool:
  7. R

    Parts help in Derbyshire

    yeah they sure do, not sure if they have as much as paddocks but they have managed to get me out of trouble when paddocks were out of stock :)
  8. R

    300tdi Cylinder head

    i have one for sale located 15 mins from stoke area
  9. R

    Parts help in Derbyshire

    theres also dls (derbyshire land rover services) at worksworth, ive been very happy with there service, seems your in the right place for landy parts! :)
  10. R

    Hey Guys :)

  11. R

    hello from derbyshire

    Thanks :) And a local already, that didnt take long!
  12. R

    hello from derbyshire

    Hi all, thought i best introduce myself ( long over due ) Ive found this forum very usefull and its got me out of s**t many a time, im on my second 300 disco and have a series 3 that is eventually gettin put on a disco chassis when i pull myself together :) so howdy :pop2:
  13. R

    Why did you buy a disco!!

    comfort, good off road ability and a damn sight cheaper than fenders thats why !
  14. R

    Is my pump chipped? 300tdi

    have you had any luck gettin it off i had the same trouble u just have to be heavy handed with it hehe